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MIM 119E - Int.to Architecture and Ethics

Course Objectives

1. To raise awareness about the fundamental concepts of architecture,
2. To increase the knowledge about architectural education,
3. To provide a basic introduction on history of architecture
4. To provide a basic understanding of contemporary architecture, architectural
design process and designing space,
5. To provide a basic understanding of building design and construction technologies,
building systems and sustainability,
6. To provide basic understanding of architectural and urban conservation concepts,
7. To raise awareness about the professional ethics in architecture.

Course Description

This introductory course includes the fundamental concepts and various dimensions of the field of architecture and provides knowledge about the practical fields of the profession for the starting freshman students. The course comprises a wide spectrum of topics related to profession of architecture: profession of architecture throughout the history; design thinking for architecture, the architectural design process, studio culture, contemporary architecture, space-human-context relationships; fundamentals of building systems, building design and construction technologies; terms, concepts and approaches in the history of architecture; architectural and cultural heritage, architectural conservation ? urban conservation concepts and professional ethics in the field of architecture.

Course Coordinator
Hüsnü Murat Günaydın
Course Language
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