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Faculty of Civil Engineering

In Civil Engineering Faculty which studies Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering and Environmental Engineering, 14 laboratory for experiments that require specific knowledge and capabilities are available. Students can access to 3 laboratory which are equipped with up-to-date technology and adequate network equipment and Internet-based service. Around 16,000 books to students and faculty library provides rich research opportunities.


  • Civil Engineering
  • Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering


CEV 000 ITU EnvironEngrUP ABET EAC Re-Accreditation 2022-23
CEV 000 (Veriler İçin) Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü ABET Akreditasyonu
CEV 101 Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Ethics
CEV 102 Earth Science
CEV 103 x
CEV 103 Intr. to Environm. Eng.&Ethics
CEV 103E Introduction to Environmental Engineering & Ethics
CEV 103E Intr.to Environm. Eng.&Ethics
CEV 103E Intr.to Environm. Eng.&Ethics
CEV 104 Earth Science
CEV 104E Earth Science
CEV 104E Earth Science
CEV 104E Earth Science
CEV 111E Global Environment
CEV 111E Global Environment
CEV 111E Global Environment
CEV 113 introduction to environmental engineering
CEV 113E Intr. to Environmental Eng.
CEV 201 Environmental Chemistry I
CEV 201E Enviromental Chemistry I
CEV 201E Enviromental Chemistry I
CEV 201E Enviromental Chemistry I
CEV 201E Enviromental Chemistry I
CEV 201E Enviromental Chemistry I
CEV 201EL Enviromental Chemistry I Lab.
CEV 201EL Enviromental Chemistry I Lab.
CEV 201EL Enviromental Chemistry I Lab.
CEV 201EL Enviromental Chemistry I Lab.
CEV 201EL Enviromental Chemistry I Lab.
CEV 201L Environmental Chemistry Lab I
CEV 201L Environmental Chemistry Lab.
CEV 202 Environmental Chemistry
CEV 202E Environmental Chemistry II
CEV 202E Environmental Chemistry II
CEV 202EL Environmental Chemistry II Lab
CEV 202EL Environmental Chemistry II Lab
CEV 202EL Environmental Chemistry II Lab
CEV 202L Çevre Kimyası II Lab.
CEV 202L Environmental Chemistry II Lab.
CEV 203 Environmental Microbiology
CEV 203 Environmental Microbiology
CEV 203E Environmental Microbiology
CEV 203E Environmental Microbiology
CEV 203E Environmental Microbiology
CEV 204 Computer Applications in Environmental Engineering
CEV 204E Computer Applications in Environmental Engineering
CEV 205 Environmental Ecology
CEV 205E Environmental Ecology
CEV 210 Engineering Mathematics
CEV 210 Engineering Mathematics
CEV 210E Engineering Mathematics
CEV 211 Environmental Chemistry I
CEV 211 Environmental Chemistry I
CEV 211E Enviromental Chemistry I
CEV 211E Enviromental Chemistry I
CEV 212 Environmental Chemistry II
CEV 212 Environmental Chemistry II
CEV 212 Environmental Chemistry II
CEV 212E Enviromental Chemistry II
CEV 212E Enviromental Chemistry II
CEV 212E Enviromental Chemistry II
CEV 213 Environmental Microbiology
CEV 213 Environmental Microbiology
CEV 214 Environmental Ecology
CEV 216 Computer Applications in Environmantal Engineering
CEV 216E Computer Applications in Environmantal Engineering
CEV 221 Microbiology
CEV 221 Microbiology
CEV 221E Microbiology
CEV 222 Environmental Microbiology
CEV 222E Environmental Microbiology
CEV 222E Environmental Microbiology
CEV 228 Earth Science
CEV 228E Earth Sci
CEV 234E Soil Mechanics
CEV 242 Hydrology for Env. Eng.
CEV 242E Hydrology for Environmental Engineers
CEV 242E Urban Hydrology
CEV 243E Environmental Chemistry
CEV 243E Environmental Chemistry
CEV 244E Air Pollution Chemistry
CEV 246E Marine and Lake Sciences
CEV 248 Surveying
CEV 250 Public and Occupational Health
CEV 250E Public and Occupational Health
CEV 301 Chemical Processes
CEV 301E Chemical Processes
CEV 301E Chemical Processes
CEV 301E Chemical Processes
CEV 302 Biological Processes
CEV 302 Biological Processes
CEV 302 Biological Processes
CEV 302E Biological Processes
CEV 302E Biological Processes
CEV 303E Technical Drawing (CAD)
CEV 303E Technical Drawing (CAD)
CEV 303E Technical Drawing (CAD)
CEV 303E Technical Drawing (CAD)
CEV 304 Unit Operations and Processes Laboratory
CEV 304E Unit Operations and Processes Laboratory
CEV 305 Water Quality Management
CEV 305E Water Quality Management
CEV 305E Water Quality Management
CEV 306 Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal
CEV 306E Water Supply&Wastewater Dispo.
CEV 308E Air Pollution
CEV 310E Marine Pollution and its Cont
CEV 314E Treatment Plant Hydraulics
CEV 315 Urban Planning
CEV 315 Urban Planning
CEV 315E Urban Planning
CEV 315E Urban Planning
CEV 315E Kentsel Planlama
CEV 315E Kentsel Planlama
CEV 316E Fund of Anaerobic Treatment
CEV 317 Urban Drainage
CEV 317E Urban Drainage
CEV 318E Comp Appl of Infrastr Planning
CEV 320 Biological Processes
CEV 321 Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal
CEV 321 Water Supply&Wastewater Disposal
CEV 321 Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal
CEV 321 Water Supply an Sanitation
CEV 321E Water Supply&Wastewater Dispo.
CEV 322 Water Treatment
CEV 322 Water Treatment
CEV 326 Air Pollution
CEV 327E Chemical Processes
CEV 328E Water Supply&Wastewater Dispo.
CEV 329 Solid Waste Management
CEV 329E Solid Waste Management
CEV 330 Water Treatment Plant Design
CEV 330E Water Treatment Plant Design
CEV 330E Water Treatment Plant Design
CEV 332E Mng of Solid and Hazard Wastes
CEV 334 Solid Waste Management
CEV 334 Solid Waste Management
CEV 334E Solid Waste Management
CEV 341 Chemical Processes
CEV 341 Chemical Processes
CEV 343 Water Quality Managemenet
CEV 343E Water Quality Management
CEV 345E Control&Autom. in Env. Facil.
CEV 345E Control&Autom. in Env. Facil.
CEV 347 Unit oprerations
CEV 347 Unit Operations
CEV 347 Unit Operations
CEV 347E Unit Operations
CEV 401 Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
CEV 401E Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
CEV 402 Soil&Groundwater Pollut.Cont.
CEV 402E Soil&Groundwater Pollut.Cont.
CEV 410E Bsc Prcpl in Adv Wstwtr Trtmnt
CEV 412E Environmental Economics
CEV 416E Marine Disposal Systems
CEV 417 Operation of Treatment Plants
CEV 417 Operation of Treatment Plants
CEV 418E Industrial Wastewater Management
CEV 419E Structural Engineering
CEV 421E Industrial Pollution Control
CEV 422E Environmental Law
CEV 424E Wastewtr Mngmnt in Smll Cmmnts
CEV 424E Wastewtr Mngmnt in Smll Cmmnts
CEV 425E Anaerobic Treatment Process
CEV 426 Computer Applications in Environmental Engineering
CEV 427 Environmental Modeling Principles
CEV 428E Envirn. Plan. of Catchment Areas
CEV 429E Industrial Pollution Control
CEV 429E Industrial Pollution Control
CEV 429E Industrial Pollution Control
CEV 431 Control of Treatment Sludges
CEV 432 Environmental Economics
CEV 432 Environmental Economics
CEV 432 Environmental Economics
CEV 432 Environmental Economics
CEV 432E Environmental Economics
CEV 432E Environmental Economics
CEV 433 Hazardous Waste Management
CEV 433E Hazardous Waste Management
CEV 436 Land Treatment Systems
CEV 436 Natural Tretament
CEV 437E Wastewater Treat. Plant Design
CEV 438 Environmental Impact Assessment
CEV 439 Landfill management
CEV 439E Landfill Design and Operation
CEV 439E Landfill Design and Operation
CEV 440 Operation of Sanitary Landfills
CEV 441E Environmental Modelling Prncpl
CEV 442 Environmental Law
CEV 442E Environmental Law
CEV 442E Environmental Law
CEV 443 Design of Air Pollution control Systems
CEV 443 Dsgn. of Air Polluti. Cont. Syst.
CEV 443 Air Pollution Control Systems Design
CEV 443 Air Pollution Control System Design
CEV 443E Dsgn. of Air Polluti. Cont. Syst.
CEV 444E Industrial Wastewater Manag.
CEV 445E Dsgn & Operat. Anaero.Treat. Syst.
CEV 445E Dsgn & Operat. Anaero.Treat. Syst.
CEV 445E Dsgn & Operat. Anaero.Treat. Syst.
CEV 446 Air Pollution sources and Control
CEV 447 Natural Treatments
CEV 447E Land Treatment Systems
CEV 449E Control and Automation in Environmental Systems
CEV 450 Soil Pollution and Control
CEV 450E Soil Pollution and Its Control
CEV 451 Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
CEV 451 Water Sup.and Environ. Sanitat
CEV 451 Water Sup.and Environ. Sanitat
CEV 451 Water Supply and Environmental Sanitary
CEV 451 Water Supply and Environmental Sanitary
CEV 451E Water Sup.and Environ. Sanitat
CEV 451E Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
CEV 451E Water Sup.and Environ. Sanitat
CEV 452 Noise and Control
CEV 453E Mng. & Disp. of Treat. Sludges
CEV 454E Opr.ofWtr&Wastewtr.Treat.Plnts
CEV 456 Occupational Health and Safety
CEV 456E Occupational Health and Safety
CEV 458E Design of Marine Disposal Systems
CEV 461 Environmental Chemistry I
CEV 464E Advanced Computer Applications in Envirnmental Engineering
CEV 466 Urban Air Quality Management
CEV 466 Urban Air Quality Management
CEV 466 Urban Air Quality Management
CEV 466 Urban Air Quality Management
CEV 466E Urban Air Quality Management
CEV 468 Individual Studies
CEV 468 Individual Studies
CEV 468 Individual Studies
CEV 468E Individual Studies
CEV 468E Individual Studies
CEV 468E Individual Studies
CEV 468E Individual Studies
CEV 471 Ethics in Environmental Eng.
CEV 471 Ethics in Environmental Eng.
CEV 471E Engineering Ethics
CEV 4901 Environmental Engineering Design Project - I
CEV 4901 Environmental Engineering Design Project - I
CEV 4901E Environmental Engineering Design Project - I
CEV 4901E
CEV 4902 Environmental Eng. Design - II
CEV 4902E Environmental Eng. Design - II
CEV 4902E Environmental Eng. Design II
CEV 492 Graduation Design
CEV 492 Graduation Project
CEV 492E Graduation Project
CIE 334 Mechanics of Soils (SUNNY)
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 DNK201E Dynamics - CRN 11729
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
DNK 201 Dynamics
GEO 101E Intro. to Info. Technologies
GEO 101E Intro. to Info. Technologies
GEO 101E Intro. to Info. Technologies
GEO 101E Intro. to Info. Technologies
GEO 103 Fundamentals of Surveying
GEO 103 Fundamentals of Surveying
GEO 103 Fundamentals of Surveying
GEO 103E Fundamentals of Surveying
GEO 103E Fundamentals of Surveying
GEO 103E Fundamentals of Surveying
GEO 103E Fundamentals of Surveying
GEO 107 Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebra
GEO 107 Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebra
GEO 107E Analy. Geom. and Vect. Algeb.
GEO 108E Fundamentals of Programming
GEO 108E Fundamentals of Programming
GEO 108E Fundamentals of Programming
GEO 108E Fundamentals of Programming
GEO 108E Fundamentals of Programming
GEO 109 Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebra
GEO 109 Analy. Geom. and Vect. Algeb.
GEO 111 Introduction to Geomatic Engineering and Ethics
GEO 114 Terr. Surv. Equip. and Soft.
GEO 114 Terr. Surv. Equip. and Soft.
GEO 114E Terr. Surv. Equip. and Soft.
GEO 114E Terr. Surv. Equip. and Soft.
GEO 203 Coordinate Systems and Geodesy I
GEO 203 Coordinate Sys. and Geodesy I
GEO 203 Coordinate Systems and Geodesy 1
GEO 203E Coordinate Sys. and Geodesy I
GEO 203E Coordinate Sys. and Geodesy I
GEO 203E Coordinate Sys. and Geodesy I
GEO 212 Engineering Surveying
GEO 212E Engineering Surveying
GEO 212E Engineering Surveying
GEO 212E Engineering Surveying
GEO 216 Computer Aided Map Design
GEO 220 Mathematics for Geomatics Eng.
GEO 220E Mathematics for Geomatics Eng.
GEO 220E Mathematics for Geomatics Eng.
GEO 221E Num. Meth. for Geomatics Eng.
GEO 221E Num. Meth. for Geomatics Eng.
GEO 225E Prob.and Stat. for Geom. Eng.
GEO 225E Prob.and Stat. for Geom. Eng.
GEO 225E Prob.and Stat. for Geom. Eng.
GEO 225E Prob.and Stat. for Geom. Eng.
GEO 227 Labor Law,Occupati.Health&Saf.
GEO 227E Labor Law,Occupati.Health&Saf.
GEO 292 Geomatics Project 10
GEO 301 Special Surveying Applications
GEO 301 Special Surveying Applications
GEO 302 Land Management
GEO 302E Land Management
GEO 302E Land Management
GEO 303 Cadastre
GEO 303 Cadastre / Kadastro
GEO 303E Cadastre
GEO 303E Cadastre
GEO 304 Geodesy II and Projections
GEO 304 Jeodezi-II ve Projeksiyonlar
GEO 304E Geodesy II and Projections
GEO 304E Geodesy II and Projections
GEO 306 Photogrammetry II
GEO 306E Photogrammetry II
GEO 306E Photogrammetry II
GEO 307 Cartography II
GEO 307 Cartography II
GEO 307E Cartography II
GEO 308 Real Estate Valuation
GEO 308E Real Estate Valuation / Taşınmaz Değerlemesi
GEO 308E Real Estate Valuation
GEO 308E Real Estate Valuation
GEO 309 Photogrammetry I
GEO 309 Photogrammetry I
GEO 309E Photogrammetry I
GEO 309E Photogrammetry I
GEO 310 Remote Sensing 2
GEO 310E Remote Sensing II
GEO 311E Geodetic Infrast. and Network
GEO 311E Geodetic Infrast. and Network
GEO 311E Geodetic Infrastracture and Networks
GEO 312E Spatial Analy. and Alg.in GIS
GEO 312E Spatial Analy. and Alg.in GIS
GEO 312E Spatial Analy. and Alg.in GIS - EK1
GEO 312E Spatial Analy. and Alg.in GIS
GEO 313E Digital Image Processing
GEO 313E Digital Image Processing
GEO 313E Digital Image Processing
GEO 314 Geodesy II and Projections
GEO 315E Fund. of Geographic Inf. Sys.
GEO 315E Fund. of Geographic Inf. Sys.
GEO 315E Fund. of Geographic Inf. Sys.
GEO 315E Fund. of Geographic Inf. Sys.
GEO 315E Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems
GEO 321E Special Surveying Applications
GEO 322 Land Management / Arazi Yönetimi
GEO 322E Land Management
GEO 325E Databases in Engineering
GEO 327 Terrain Modelling
GEO 327 Terrain Modelling
GEO 327E Terrain Modelling
GEO 382 Geomatics Project III
GEO 382 Geomatics Project III
GEO 382E Geomatics Project III
GEO 382E Geomatics Project III
GEO 401 Physical Geodesy
GEO 401E Physical Geodesy
GEO 401E Physical Geodesy
GEO 403 GIS Projects
GEO 403 GIS Projects
GEO 403E GIS Projects
GEO 403E GIS Projects / CBS Projeleri
GEO 403E GIS Projects
GEO 413 Positioning Method and Systems
GEO 413E Navigation Sys. and Methods
GEO 413E Navigation Sys. and Methods
GEO 415 Geodetic Satellites
GEO 415 Geodetic Satellite
GEO 415E Geodetic Satellite
GEO 417 Geodetic Astronomy
GEO 417 Geodetic Astronomy
GEO 417E Geodetic Astronomy
GEO 421 Urban Land Readjustment / Kentsel Alan Düzenlemesi
GEO 421E Urban Land Readjustment
GEO 423 Land Consolidation
GEO 425E Digital Image Processing II
GEO 427 Photogrammetric and Laser Data Integration
GEO 427 Photogrammetric and Laser Data Integration
GEO 429E Close Range Photogrammetry
GEO 433 Urban Information Systems / Kent Bilgi Sistemleri
GEO 433E Urban Information Systems
GEO 435 Urban Regeneration
GEO 440 Robotic App. in Geom. Eng.
GEO 440E Robotic App. in Geom. Eng.
GEO 444 computational geometry
GEO 444 Computational Geometry
GEO 452 3D Modeling with Remote Sensing Data
GEO 452E 3D Mod. with Rem. Sens. Data
GEO 454 Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management
GEO 458 Urban Planning
GEO 458E City Planning
GEO 458E City Planning
GEO 460 Road Planning and Construction
GEO 460 Road Construction
GEO 460 Road Design and Construction
GEO 460 road construction
GEO 460E Road Design and Construction
GEO 462E Advance. Progr. in Geom. Eng.
GEO 466 Deformation Measurements
GEO 468 Special Topics in Remote Sensing
GEO 468 Special Topics in Remote Sensing
GEO 468E Spec. Topics in Remote Sens.
GEO 472 Advanced Remote Sensing
GEO 474 Hydrographic Surveying
GEO 476 Project Planning And Management In Geomatics Engineering
GEO 476E Prj. Pl. And Mn. In Geo. Eng.
GEO 478 Expropriation Technique
GEO 480E Building Inf.Model in Geo.Eng.
GEO 484E Geomatics Engineerin Applications in Disaster Man.& Urban Resilience
GEO 4901 Geomatics Eng. Design I
GEO 4901 Geomatics Eng. Design I
GEO 4901 Geomatics Eng. Design I
GEO 4901 Geomatics Engineering Design Project
GEO 4901E Geomatics Eng. Design I
GEO 4902 23-24 Spring-Geomatics Engineering Design I-II
GEO 4902E Geomatics Eng. Design II
INS 101 Technical Drawing
INS 101 Technical Drawing
INS 101E Technical Drawing
INS 101E Technical Drawing
INS 102 Statics
INS 102 Statics
INS 102 Statics
INS 102 Statics
INS 102 Static
INS 102 Statics
INS 102 Statics
INS 102 Stacis
INS 102E Statics
INS 102E Statics
INS 102E Statics
INS 102E Statics
INS 102E Statics
INS 102E Statics
INS 102E Statics
INS 106 Earth Sci For Civil Eng
INS 106 Earth Science for Cİvil Engineers
INS 106 Earhscience for Civil Engineers
INS 106 Earth Science For Civil Engineers
INS 106E Earth Science for Civil Engineers
INS 107E Int. to Prog. Lang. (Python)
INS 107E Int. to Prog. Lang. (Python)
INS 107E Int. to Prog. Lang. (Python)
INS 107E Int. to Prog. Lang. (Python)
INS 107E Introduction to Programming Language (Python)
INS 111 Int. to Civil Eng. & Ethics
INS 111 Introduction to Civil Engineering
INS 111 Int. to Civil Eng. & Ethics
INS 111 Int. to Civil Eng. & Ethics
INS 111E İnşaat Müh. Giriş ve Etik
INS 111E Int. to Civil Eng. & Ethics
INS 111E Int. to Civil Eng. & Ethics
INS 111E Int. to Civil Eng. & Ethics
INS 112 Earhscience for Civil Engineers
INS 112 Earhscience for Civil Engineers
INS 112E Earth Science for Civil Engin.
INS 201 Materials Science
INS 201 Malzeme Bilimi
INS 201 Materials Science
INS 201 Materials Science
INS 201 Materials Science
INS 201E Materials Science
INS 201E Materials Science
INS 201E Materials Science
INS 202 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
INS 202 Numerical Methods inCivil Eng.
INS 202 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
INS 202E Numerical Methods in Civil Eng.
INS 202E Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
INS 210 Mathematics in Civil Engineers
INS 210 Mathematics in Civil Engineers
INS 210E Mathematics in Civil Eng.
INS 210E Mathematics in Civil Eng.
INS 214E Partial Differential Equations
INS 215 Materials Science
INS 215 Materials Science
INS 215 Materials Science
INS 215 Materials Science
INS 215 Materials Science
INS 215 Malzeme Bilimi
INS 215E Materials Science
INS 215E Materials Science
INS 215E Materials Science
INS 215E Materials Science
INS 215E Materials Science
INS 217 Mukavemet
INS 217 Strength of Materials
INS 217 Strength of Materials I
INS 217 Strength of Materials
INS 217 s
INS 217 Strength of Materials I
INS 217 Strength of Materials
INS 217 Strength of Materials
INS 217 Strength of Materials
INS 217 Strength of Materials
INS 217 Strength of Materials
INS 217E Strength of Materials I
INS 217E Strength of Materials I
INS 217E Strength of Materials I
INS 218 Strength of Materials
INS 218 Strength of Materials II
INS 218 Sytrength of Materials II
INS 218 Statics and Strength of Materials
INS 218 Strength of Materials II
INS 218 Strength of Materials II
INS 218 Strength of Materials
INS 218 Strength of Materials II
INS 218 Strength of materials 2
INS 218E Strength of Materials II
INS 218E Strength of Materials II
INS 218E Strength of Materials II
INS 218E Strength of Materials II
INS 220E Engineering Mathematics
INS 222 Building Materials
INS 222E Building Materials
INS 222E Building Materials
INS 222E Building Materials
INS 222E Building Materials
INS 226 Fundamentals of Mathematical Modelling in Engineering
INS 227 Theory of the function of complex variables
INS 228 Building Materials
INS 228E Building Materials
INS 228E Building Materials
INS 228E Building Materials
INS 228E Building Materials
INS 230 Building materials
INS 230 Yapı Malzemesi
INS 230 Building Materials
INS 230 Building Materials
INS 230E Building Materials
INS 230E Building Materials
INS 230E Building Materials
INS 232 Surveying
INS 232 Surveying
INS 232 Surveying
INS 232E Surveying
INS 232E Surveying
INS 232E Surveying
INS 232E Surveying
INS 232E Surveying
INS 232E Surveying
INS 251 İnşaat Jeolojisi
INS 251 Geology for Civil Engineers
INS 251 Geology for Civil Engineers
INS 251 Geology for Civil Engineers
INS 251E Geology for Civil Engineers
INS 252 Topography
INS 252 Topography
INS 252 Topography
INS 252 Topography
INS 252 Topography
INS 252 Surveying
INS 252 Surveying
INS 252 Surveying
INS 252 Surveying
INS 252 Surveying
INS 252 Surveying
INS 252 Surveying
INS 252E Surveying
INS 252E Surveying
INS 252E Surveying
INS 252E Surveying
INS 252E Surveying
INS 301 Engineering Economics
INS 301 Engineering Economics
INS 301 Engineering Economics
INS 301 Engineering Economics
INS 301 Eng Ekon - Ek-1 Exam
INS 301 Engineering Economics
INS 301 Engineering Economics
INS 301E Engineering Economics
INS 301E Engineering Economics
INS 301E Engineering Economics
INS 301E Engineering Economics
INS 302 Highway Engineering
INS 302 Highway Engineering
INS 302E Highway Engineering
INS 302E Highway Engineering
INS 302E Highway Engineering
INS 303 Soil Mechanics I
INS 303 Soil Mechanics I
INS 303 Soil Mechanics 1
INS 303E Soil Mechanics I
INS 303E Soil Mechanics I
INS 304 Construction Management
INS 304 Construction Management
INS 304E Construction Management
INS 304E Construction Management
INS 305E Probability and Statistics
INS 305E Probability and Statistics
INS 305E Probability and Statistics
INS 305E Probability and Statistics
INS 311 Theory of Structures I
INS 311 a
INS 311 Theory of Structures 1
INS 311 Theory of Structures I
INS 311 Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structaures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 311E Theory of Structures I
INS 312 Theory of Structures II
INS 312 Theory of Structures II
INS 312 Structural Engineering II
INS 312 Theory of structures II
INS 312 Theory of Structures II
INS 312 Theory of Structures II
INS 312 Theory of Structures II
INS 312 Theory of Structures II
INS 312 a
INS 312 Theory of Structures II
INS 312E Theory of Structures II
INS 312E Theory of Structures II
INS 312E Theory of Structures II
INS 312E Theory of Structures II
INS 313E Advanced Strength of Materials
INS 314 Dynamics of Structures
INS 314E Dynamics of Structures
INS 315E Mechanics of Inelastic Materia
INS 316 Site Layout
INS 317E Fracture Mechanics of Concrete
INS 318E Insulation & Protec. of Buildings
INS 319E Durability of Concrete
INS 319E Durability of Concrete
INS 319E Durability of Concrete
INS 320 Timber Structures
INS 321 Hydraulics
INS 321E Hydraulics
INS 321E Hydraulics
INS 322 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 322 Reinforced Concrete-I
INS 322E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 322E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 322E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 323 Theory of Structures I
INS 323 Theory of structures
INS 323 Theory of Structures I
INS 323 Theory of Structures I
INS 323 Theory of Structures I
INS 323 Theory of Structures I
INS 323E Theory of Structures I
INS 323E Theory of Structures I
INS 323E Theory of Structures I
INS 323E Theory of Structures I
INS 323E Theory of Structures I
INS 324 Structural Fire Safety
INS 324 Structural Fire Safety
INS 324 Structural Fire Safety
INS 325 Railway Eng.
INS 325 Railway Emnineering
INS 325 Railway Engineering
INS 325 Railway Eng.
INS 325 Railway Engineering
INS 325 Railway Engineering
INS 325 Raiway Engineering
INS 325 Railway Engineering
INS 325E Railway Engineering
INS 325E Railway Engineering
INS 325E Railway Engineering
INS 325E Railway Engineering
INS 325E Railway Engineering
INS 328 Architectural Construction Design
INS 331 Soil Mechanics
INS 331 Soil Mechanics
INS 331 Soil Mechanics I
INS 331 Soil Mechanics1
INS 331 Soil Mechanics I
INS 331 Soil Mechanics I
INS 331 Soil Mechanic I
INS 331 Soil Mechanics I
INS 331 Soil Mechanics 1
INS 331 Soil Mechanics 1
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 331E Soil Mechanics I
INS 332 Foundation Engineering I
INS 332 Foundation Engineering I
INS 332 Foundation Engineering I
INS 332 Foundation Engineering I
INS 332 Foundation Engineering I
INS 332 Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 332E Foundation Engineering I
INS 334 Health & Safety in Construction
INS 334 Safety management in construction
INS 334 Health and Safety in Construction
INS 334 Health and Safety in Construction
INS 334E Health&Safety in Construction
INS 336 Theory of Structures II
INS 336 Theory of Structures II
INS 336 Theory of Sructures II
INS 336 Theory of Structures II
INS 336 Theory of Structures II
INS 336E Theory of Structures II
INS 336E Theory of Structures II
INS 336E Theory of Structures II
INS 336E Theory of Structures II
INS 336E Theory of Structures II
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338 Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 338E Reinforced Concrete I
INS 339E Fracture Mechanics of Concrete
INS 341 Construction Management
INS 341 Construction Management
INS 341 Construction and Contractors Management
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 341E Construction Management I
INS 342 Highway engineering
INS 342 Highway Engineering
INS 342 Higway Enginnering
INS 342 Highway Engineering
INS 342 Highway engineering
INS 342 Highway Engineering
INS 342 Highway Engineering
INS 342 Highway Enginnering
INS 342 Highway Enginnering
INS 342 Highway Engineering
INS 342 Highway Engineering
INS 342 Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 342E Highway Engineering
INS 343E Durability of Concrete
INS 344 Steel Structures I
INS 344 Steel Structures I
INS 344 Steel Structures I
INS 344 Steel Structures I
INS 344 Steel Structures I
INS 344E Steel Structures I
INS 344E Steel Structures I
INS 344E Steel Structures I (Djibouti)
INS 344E Steel Structures I
INS 344E Steel Structures I
INS 345 Intr. to Comp. Aid. Model. of Strc.
INS 351 Earthwork and Railway Engineering
INS 351E Earthwork and Railway Engineering
INS 351E Earthwork and Railway Eng
INS 352E Hydrology
INS 352E Hydrology
INS 354 Hydrology
INS 354 Hydrology
INS 354 hydrology
INS 354 Hydrology
INS 354 Hydrology
INS 354 Hydrology
INS 354E Hydrology
INS 354E Hydrology
INS 354E Hydrology
INS 354E Hydrology
INS 360 Hydraulics
INS 360 Hydraulics
INS 360 Hydraulic
INS 360 Hydraulics
INS 360 Hyraulics
INS 360E Hydraulics
INS 360E Hydraulics
INS 360E Hydraulics
INS 360E Hydraulics
INS 360E Hydraulics
INS 360E Hydraulics
INS 360E Hydraulics
INS 361 Hydraulics
INS 361 Hydraulics
INS 361 Hydraulics
INS 361E Hydraulics
INS 361E Hydraulics
INS 361E Hydraulics
INS 401 Water Resources
INS 401 Water Resources
INS 401E Water Resources
INS 403 Earthworks
INS 403 Earthworks
INS 403 Earthworks
INS 403 Earthworks
INS 4031E Dynamics of Structures
INS 4037E Timber Structures
INS 403E Earthworks
INS 403E Earthworks
INS 403E Earthworks
INS 403E Earthworks
INS 4049E Soil Mechanics II
INS 405 Health&Safety in Construction
INS 4059E Traffic Engineering
INS 4069E Renew.Energy Types&Mod.Tech.
INS 407 Design of Water Supply and Sewer System
INS 407 Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems
INS 407 Design of Water Supply and Sewage Systems
INS 407 Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems
INS 407 Dsgn. of Water Supp.& Sewer Sys.
INS 407 Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems
INS 407E Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems
INS 407E Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems
INS 407E Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems
INS 409 İnş.İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güven.
INS 409 Health and Safety in construction
INS 409 Health&Safety in Construction
INS 409 Health&Safety in Construction
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411 Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 411E Steel Structures I
INS 413E Hydrologic Analysis and Design
INS 414E Oceanography
INS 419E Soil Mechanics II
INS 419E Soil Mechanics II
INS 419E Soil Mechanics II
INS 421 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421 Reinforced concrete structures II
INS 421 Reinforced-Concrete II
INS 421 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421E Reinforced Concrete Strctrs II
INS 421E Reinforced Concrete II
INS 421E Reinforced Concrete Strctrs II
INS 423E Fundamentals of Earthquake Eng
INS 425E Finite Element Methods
INS 427 Structural Analysis III
INS 429 Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings
INS 430E Dams
INS 430E Dams
INS 430E Dams
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Cocnrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433 Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433E Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433E Reinforced Concrete II
INS 433E Reinforced Concrete II
INS 434E Plastic Dsgn of Steel Strctrs
INS 435 River Hydraulics
INS 437 Traffic Engineering
INS 437E Traffic Engineering
INS 437E Traffic Engineering
INS 437E Traffic Engineering
INS 437E Traffic Engineering
INS 438E Earthquake Geotechnical Eng
INS 440E Special Topics in Theory of Strurctures
INS 441 Water Resources
INS 441 Water Resources
INS 441 water resources
INS 441 water Resources
INS 441 Water Resources
INS 441 Water Resources
INS 441 water resources
INS 441E Water Resources
INS 441E Water Resources
INS 441E Water Resources
INS 441E Water Resources
INS 442 Reinforced Concrete Foundations
INS 444 Steel Structures II
INS 444 Steel Structures II
INS 444 Steel Structures II
INS 444 Steel Structures II
INS 445 Flexible Pavements
INS 447 Advanced Concrete Technology
INS 447E Advanced Concrete Technology
INS 448E Hydroelectric Power Plants
INS 452E Comp.Aided Analysis inStr.Eng.
INS 455 Energy Methods in Structural Systems
INS 456 Earthquake resistant design of structures
INS 456E Earthquake Resist.Dsgn of Str.
INS 458 Prestressed Concrete
INS 459 One Dimensional Finite Element
INS 462 Engineering Ethics
INS 462E Engineering Ethics
INS 464E Substr.in Transportation Eng.
INS 464E Transportation Infrastructure Systems
INS 464E Transportation Infrastructures
INS 466 Rigid Pavements
INS 468 Foundation Engineering II
INS 472E Introduction to Environmental Geotechnics
INS 472E Intr.to Environmental Geotech.
INS 478 Fatigue of Metal Structural Members
INS 478E Fatigue of Metal Strc.Elements
INS 490 coastal and harbour structures
INS 490 coastal eng
INS 490 Coastal and Harbour Structures
INS 490 Coastal and Harbor Structures
INS 4901 Design in Civil Eng. I
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design I
INS 4901 Design & Analysis of a Steel Industrial Process Tower Building
INS 4901 Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901 Masters
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design I
INS 4901 Design Project 1
INS 4901 Engineering Design Project I
INS 4901 Engineering Design Project
INS 4901 Project
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design
INS 4901 Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901 Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901 Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design I
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design I
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design I
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design
INS 4901 Engineering Design Project I
INS 4901 Civil Engineering Design I
INS 4901 MTP / Design & Analysis of a Steel Industrial Building
INS 4901 İnşaat Müh. Tasarımı I
INS 4901 Engineering Design Project
INS 4901 Engineering Design Project I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I ve 2 (4901E ve 4902E together)
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I-II
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4901E Civil Eng. Design I
INS 4902 Civil Engineering Design II
INS 4902 Civil Engineering Design II
INS 4902 Civil Engineering Design II
INS 4902 Engineering Design Project II
INS 4902 Civil Engineering Design II
INS 4902 Civil Engineering Des.
INS 4902 Engineering Design II
INS 4902 Civil Engineering Design
INS 4902 Engineering design project
INS 4902E Civil Eng. Design II
INS 4902E Civil Eng. Design II
INS 4902E Civil Eng. Design II
INS 4902E Civil Eng. Design II
INS 4902E Civil Eng. Design II
INS 4902E Civil Eng. Design II
INS 4902E Civil Eng. Design II
INS 490E Coastal and Harbors Structures
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 Engineerin Design Project
INS 492 scienecevvvv
INS 492 Graduation Project / Design & Analysis of a Steel Industrial Building with Cranes
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 Engineering Design Project I
INS 492 Graduation Project
INS 492 Civil Engineering Design
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 xxx
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 Graduation Project
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492 xxxx
INS 492 Engineering Design
INS 492 Engineering Design
INS 492 Engineering Design Project
INS 492E Graduation Project / Design & Analysis of a Steel Industrial Building with Cranes
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Engineering Design Project
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Graduation Project
INS 492E Engineering Design Project
INS 492E Engineerin Design Project
INS 494E Experimental Hydraulics
INS 499E Hydrologic Modeling
ISH 301 Fundamentals of Env.Sci & Eng.
ISH 301E Fundamentals of Env.Sci & Eng.
JDF 112 Surveying I
JDF 112 Surveying
JDF 122E Electronic Distance and Angle Measurements
JDF 132E Intr. to Geomatic Engineering
JDF 132E Intr. to Geomatic Engineering
JDF 182 Field Practice 1
JDF 182E Field Work I
JDF 182E Field Work I
JDF 211 Surveying II
JDF 211E Surveying II
JDF 211E OLD-Surveying II-OLD
JDF 216E Special Topics in Surveying Techniques
JDF 218E Structure of Surveying Instruments
JDF 218E Strctr of Surveyng Instruments
JDF 231 Introduction to Behaviour Science
JDF 232 Theory of Errors & Parameter Estimation
JDF 232E Theory of Errors and Parameter Estimation
JDF 241E Intr. to Behavioural Sciences
JDF 241E Intr. to Behavioural Sciences
JDF 262E Engineering Ethics
JDF 274 Occupational Health and Safety in Geomatics
JDF 274E Occupational Health&Safety in Geomatics Engineering
JDF 282E Field Practice II
JDF 310 Special Topics in Remote Sensing
JDF 311 Databases in Engineering
JDF 311E Databases in Engineering
JDF 312 Engineering surveys
JDF 312 Engineering Surveys
JDF 312 Engineering Surveying
JDF 312 Engineering Surveying
JDF 312E Engineering Surveys
JDF 312E Engineering Surveys
JDF 313E Geodetic Astronomy
JDF 315E Coordinate Systems in Geodesy
JDF 317E Fundamentals of Systems Eng.
JDF 322E Geodetic Networks Design
JDF 322E Geodetic Networks Design
JDF 326 History of Cartography
JDF 330 Protection of Environment with Remote Sensing and CBS
JDF 330 Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmantal Protection
JDF 331E Photogrammetry I
JDF 331E Photogrammetry I
JDF 340E RemoteSen.for Ntrl Resour.Mng.
JDF 341E Geodesy I
JDF 351 Adjustment
JDF 351E Adjustment
JDF 352 Surveying of Public Land
JDF 352 Kamu Ölçmeleri
JDF 382E Field Practice III
JDF 411E Geographical Informatn Systms
JDF 411E Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems
JDF 414E Specl Technqs In Hght Dtrmntn
JDF 417 City Planning
JDF 417E City Planning
JDF 417E City Planning
JDF 420E Interpretation Meth.in Geodesy
JDF 421 Physical Geodesy
JDF 421E Physical Geodesy
JDF 424 Using Artificial Satellites in Geodesy
JDF 424E Using Artif.Sat. İn Geodesy
JDF 425E Digital Photogrammetry
JDF 426E National Network Observations
JDF 427 digital terrain models
JDF 430 Urban Land Readjustment
JDF 431E GPS Technique
JDF 431E GPS Technique
JDF 431E GPS Technique
JDF 433 Cartographic Projections
JDF 435E Computer Aided Cartography
JDF 437E Cartographic Presentation of Spatial Data
MUK 201 ...
MUK 201 Strength of Materials I
MUK 201 Strength of Materials I
MUK 201 Strength of Materials
MUK 201 Strength of Materials
MUK 204 Strength of Materials II
MUK 204 Strength of Materials II
RES 101 technical Drawing
RES 101 Technical Drawing
RES 101 Technical Drawing
RES 101 Technical Drawing
RES 101 Technical Drawing
RES 101 Technical Drawing
RES 111 AutoCAD
RES 111 Technical Drawing CAD
RES 111E Technical Drawing (CAD)
RES 111E Technical Drawing (CAD)
RES 111E Technical Drawing (CAD)
RES 111E Technical Drawing (CAD)
STA 102E Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 Statics
STA 201 static
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E 21249 & 21250 Statics
STA 201E STA201E Statics - CRN 21249
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E STA201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics (CRN 24163)
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E STA201E Statics - CRN: 22501
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 201E Statics
STA 202 Statics
STA 202 Statics
STA 202 Sattics
STA 202 Statics
STA 202E Statics
STA 202E Statics
STA 202E Statics
STA 204 Statics and Strength of Materials
STA 204 Statics and Strength of Materials - CRN:22860
STA 204 Statics and strength of materials
STA 204 Statics and Strength of Materials
STA 204 static
STA 204 Statics and Strength of Materials
STA 204 Statics and Strength of Materials 2nd Supplementary Exam
STA 204 Statics and Strength of Materials
STA 204 Statics and Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
STA 204E Statics&Strength of Materials
ULP 301 -
ULP 301 Health&Safety in Construction
YIP 501E Management Mathematics
YIP 502 Financial Management & Corporate Finance
YIP 504 Human Facton in Construction
YIP 505E Project(Time) Management
YIP 510E Proj.Appraisal&Inv.Crit.Dev.Co
YIP 512E Professional Constr.Management
YIP 513E Contract Administration
YIP 513E Contract Administration
YIP 514 Construction Equipments Management
YIP 516E Cost Management
YIP 516E Cost Management
YIP 518E Building Information Modeling
YIP 596 Seminer
YIP 596 Seminar
YIP 596 Seminar
YIP 596 Seminer
YIP 596 Scientific Research, Ethic and Seminar
YIP 596 Research Methods, Ethical Issues and Seminar in Civil Engineering
YIP 596 Scientific Research and Ethic
YIP 596 Seminar
YIP 596 Seminer
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