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CEV 429E - Industrial Pollution Control

Course Objectives

By this course, contemporary environmental engineering students are educated who;
1. are able to define and determine the all factors covering industrial systems and constituents requirements regarding environmental protection and control of the industries.
2. are able to analysis the idustrial systems with a systematic approach including process survey, mass balance and waste survey for pollution profile.
3. are able to design systems of remediation, treatment and disposal according to pollution profile and to apply the Environmental management systematic(EMS) to idustrial systems.
4. are able to use these informations based on self confidence, creativity and ethical responsibilities.

Course Description

Definitions of Industrial Pollution. Process profile. Industrial categorization. Waste survey. Sampling technics. Pollution profile.Collection of information. Industrial wastewater management. Discharge and treatment standards. Pretreatment concept. Control and enforcement. Industrialization in Turkey, and environmental legal aspects in plant control. Industrial case studies and samples for presantations.

Course Coordinator
Emine Çokgör
Course Language
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