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CEV 410E - Bsc Prcpl in Adv Wstwtr Trtmnt

Course Objectives

1. Learn about concepts and types of advanced wastwater treatment
2. Gain knowledge about advanced physical treatment principles and applications
3. Gain knowledge about advanced chemical treatment principles and applications
4. Gain knowledge about advanced biological treatment principles and applications

Course Description

Characterization of domestic sewage; performance and limitations of conventional wastewater treatment. Basic principles of treatment system design. Nitrogen removal from domestic sewage: physicochemical processes, biological nitrogen removal. Chemical phosphorus removal (phosphate precipitation). Biological phosphorous removal. Advanced physicochemical treatment processes to remove recalcitrance from wastewater: chemical oxidation, ozonation and photochemical oxidation, phase transfer operations, filtration, activated carbon adsorption and ion exchange.

Course Coordinator
İdil Arslan Alaton
Course Language
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