STA 201E - Statics
Course Objectives
The primary purpose of this course is to introduce engineering students to the balance of forces on bodies in equilibrium state(i.e., at rest or in uniform motion).
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to
o determine reaction forces at supports and be prepared to evaluate internal forces as required to determinestress and strain distributions in MUK203;
o apply the problem solving skills developed in this class (e.g. evaluation of friction forces, vector descriptionsof forces) in the study of structures, solid body dynamics (DNK201), and fluid mechanics (AKM204E).
Course Description
Principles of mechanics, Vectors and vector algebra, Force systems, Equilibrium of particles, Equilibrium of rigid bodies, Friction, Center of gravity, Distributed forces acting on beams and submerged surfaces, Shear force, bending moment diagrams, Cables and chains, The method of virtual work, Potential energy and equilibrium, the stability of equilibrium.
Course Coordinator
Bayram Çelik
Course Language