INS 319E - Durability of Concrete
Course Objectives
1.Durability concept
2.Durability-based design
3.Reinforced concrete structures maintenance
Course Description
Pore structure of concrete, interaction between pores and water, transport mechanisms.
Environmental exposure classes, assesment of chemical attacks and pyhsical attacks on concrete.
Freeze-thaw resistance of concrete, cracking, deicing agents, minimum requirements. Mechanisms of
corrosion, corrosion protection, influencing parameters, minimum requirements for concrete to resist
carbonation-induced corrosion. Chemical attack on concrete, sulphate attack, acid attack, alkali
attack, minimum requirements. Weathering and discoloring, lime efflorescence, biological growth.
Durability performance tests. Methods of durability design. Maintenance of concrete structures
Course Coordinator
Özgür Ekincioğlu
Course Language