INS 4901E - Civil Eng. Design I ve 2 (4901E ve 4902E together)
Course Objectives
The aim of this project is to train civil engineering students for designing drainage infrastructure under climate change and intensified urban flooding events in Istanbul. The students are expected to prepare flood risk analysis reports often asked by the court and governmental institutions i.e. municipals. For that the students will learn how to use modern tools to process raster data, calculate and propagate flood wave through the landscape in computer environment.
In the first half of the project, students will gather relevant hydrometeorological and digital elevation model (DEM) data from MGM, DSI, ISKI and IBB-AKOM for terrain and hydrologic analysis. Different hydrologic models such as rational, SCS, Mockus, DSI synthetic and physically based models will be utilized for calculating maximum discharge and flood hydrographs which will be input for the hydraulics model to route the flood wave until the point of interest e.g. school building.
In the second part of the project, students will design the alternative drainage systems and calculate the proper pipe diameters or culvert size. If necessary buried tank design, artificial lake/reservoir, retention/detention ponds will be designed.
Input preparation, reasonable water balance modeling, assessing flood risk and fast runoff, designing pipe diameters and types, plotting necessary hardware and cross-sections are the basic responsibilities of the student. If the data retrieval will be difficult for the study area alternative domains will be recommended. Also, if there is existing system in the project domain designed system and existing system capacities and capabilities will be compared.
Course Description
4901E and 4902E
Course Coordinator
Mehmet Cüneyd Demirel
Mahmut Ekrem Karpuzcu
Course Language