CEV 347 - Unit Operations
Course Objectives
1. to give the ability to understand the reactions observed in environmental engineering and
compare the reactor types widely used in environmental engineering
2. to gain the ability to understand fundamental concepts, and applications and also design of
main unit operations in the field of environmental engineering such as Coagulation-
Flocculation, Sedimentation, Thickening, Flotation, Aeration, Adsorption, Filtration.
Course Description
Introduction, Reaction kinetics and their applications, Concepts of reactors and reactions in environmental engineering, Reactors and reactor kinetics, Residence time distribution, Ideal reactors, Comparison of reactor efficiencies, Applications in environmental engineering, Coagulation-Flocculation, Sedimentation, Thickening, Flotation, Aeration, Adsorption, Filtration.
Course Coordinator
Hüseyin Erdem Görgün
Course Language