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Department of Fine Arts

Acting under the Rectorate, Department of Fine Arts aims to develop the art interest and skills of the students of Istanbul Technical University. Accordingly the Department offers art classes which are freely available for all under-graduate students.
These classes provide an opportunity for ITU students to get informed about art, culture of art, and related disciplines; to be aware of the artistic production in both local and global scale and to get acquainted with the production of artworks through various activities.




SNT 101 Looking at the Art of Sculpture
SNT 101 Looking at the Art of Sculpture
SNT 101 Looking at the Art of Sculpture
SNT 102 photograph
SNT 102 Photography
SNT 102 Photography
SNT 102E Photography
SNT 102E Photography
SNT 102E Photography
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing
SNT 103 Drawing - Summer School 2023
SNT 103E Drawing
SNT 103E Drawing
SNT 103E Drawing
SNT 103E Drawing
SNT 103E Drawing
SNT 104 Mythology and Art
SNT 104 Mythology and Art
SNT 104E Mythology and Art
SNT 104E Mythology and Art
SNT 104E Mythology and Art
SNT 105 Film Art
SNT 105 Film Art
SNT 105 Film Art
SNT 105 Film Art
SNT 105 Film Art
SNT 105 sinema sanatı
SNT 105 Film Art
SNT 105E Film Art
SNT 105E Film Art
SNT 105E Film Art
SNT 105E Film Art
SNT 106 Traditional Turkish Art and Crafts
SNT 106 Traditional Turkish Art & Crafts
SNT 106 Traditional Turkish Arts&Crafts
SNT 106E Traditional Turkish Art&Crafts
SNT 107 Ancient Civilizations in Anatolia
SNT 107 Ancient Civilizations in Anatolia
SNT 107 Ancient Civilizations in Anatolia
SNT 107 Ancient Civilizations in Anatolia
SNT 107 Ancient Civilizations in Anatolia
SNT 107 Ancient Civilizations in Anatolia
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 108 ceramic
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 108 Ceramic
SNT 109 Gravure
SNT 109 Engraving
SNT 109 Gravure
SNT 109 Gravure
SNT 111 Fashion Design and Art
SNT 111 Fashion Design and Art
SNT 112 Theater
SNT 112 Theater
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Theater
SNT 112 Theater
SNT 112 Theater
SNT 112 Theater
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Theatre
SNT 112 Theatre
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 Theatre
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112 tiyatro
SNT 112 Tiyatro
SNT 112E Theater
SNT 112E Theater
SNT 112E Theater
SNT 112E Theater
SNT 113 Art and Interpretation
SNT 113 Art and Interpretation
SNT 113E Art and Interpretation
SNT 113E Art and Interpretation
SNT 114 Contemporary Art
SNT 114 Contemporary Art
SNT 114 Contemporary Art
SNT 114 Contemporary Art
SNT 114 Contemporary Art
SNT 114E Contemporary Art
SNT 114E Contemporary Art
SNT 114E Contemporary Art
SNT 114E Contemporary Art
SNT 114E Contemporary Art
SNT 114E Contemporary Art
SNT 115 Modernity and Visual Culture
SNT 115 Modernity and Visual Culture
SNT 115 Modernity and Visual Culture
SNT 115 Modernity and Visual Culture
SNT 115 Modernity and Visual Culture
SNT 115E Modernity and Visual Culture
SNT 116 Art of Communication
SNT 116E The Art of Communication
SNT 116E The Art of Communication
SNT 116E The Art of Communication
SNT 123E Film Prduction
SNT 123E Film Prduction
SNT 123E Film Production
SNT 211 Istanbul: History, Art and Society
SNT 211 Istanbul: History, Art and Society
SNT 211 Istanbul: History, Art and Society
SNT 211 İstanbul; History, Arr and Society
SNT 211E Istanbul: History, Art and Society
SNT 211E Istanbul: History, Art and Society
SNT 211E Istanbul: History, Art and Society
SNT 212 Art, Culture and Society
SNT 212E Art, Culture and Society
SNT 214 Dersin İngilizce adınd Dance
SNT 226 Philosophy of Art
SNT 226 Philsophy of Art
SNT 226 Philosophy of Art
SNT 226 Philosophy of Art
SNT 226 Philosophy of Art
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art ek
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art
SNT 226E Philosophy of Art
SNT 227E Sound and Society
SNT 227E Sound and Society
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