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Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design

Textile Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) is the first and the single one offering textile engineering education in Istanbul, and also comes first among the top textile engineering schools in Turkey. Its history could be traced back to 1955; the year in which the textile division was established in the body of Mechanical Engineering. The school gained its current name and independent status in 1983. Therefore, it is obvious that the Textile Engineering Department is fairly new compared to the history of ITU stretching back to 229 years.


  • Textile Engineering
  • Fashion Design
  • Textile Development and Management


MOD 113 Visual Design Concepts I
MOD 113 Visual Design Concepts I
MOD 117 drapaj I
MOD 122 Flat Pattern Dsgn II : Adv.Tec
MOD 125 Fashion Research & Inspiration
MOD 125 Fashion Research & Inspiration
MOD 127 Design Studio II- Soft Draping
MOD 133 Materials & Construction I
MOD 134 Materials & Construction II
MOD 143 Digital Design Studio
MOD 152 Fundamentals of Textiles for FD
MOD 152 Fundamentals of Textiles for FD
MOD 152 fund.of tex for FD
MOD 152 Fundam. of Textiles for FD
MOD 162 Fashion Art Studio
MOD 217 Desg.StudioIII-Struct. Draping
MOD 237 Visual Design Concepts III
MOD 241 History of Industrial Design
MOD 242 Digital Design Flats & Specs
MOD 243 Appr.Desg.Studio-Patternmaking
MOD 270 Ststistical Analysis
MOD 304 Computerized Pattern Design
MOD 304 Computerized Pattern Design
MOD 308 Industrial Project(Internship)
MOD 311 Leather Apparel Design
MOD 311 Leather Apparel Design
MOD 317 Designing with Hi-Tech Fabrics
MOD 317 Designing with Hi-Tech Fabrics
MOD 342 CAD for FD & Development
MOD 357 Intr. to Knitwear Design
MOD 359 Lifestyle Collection Design
MOD 363 Design Directions in R-T-W
MOD 369 Sportswear Dev. Concepts
PAZ 101 Tekstilin Temelleri
PAZ 101 Fundamentals of Textiles
PAZ 101 Fundamentals of Textiles
PAZ 101 Fundamentals of Textiles
PAZ 103 The Hist.ofTextile Trade&Tech.
PAZ 104 Fabric Development
PAZ 104 Kumaş Geliştirme
PAZ 106 Color Creat.&Sustainable Appl.
PAZ 108 İş için Excel Uygulamaları
PAZ 108 Excel for Business
PAZ 110 America At Home:1900-Contemp.
PAZ 121 Intr. to Fashion Industry
PAZ 128 Textile&Fashion Bus.in New Era
PAZ 128 Textile&Fashion Bus.in New Era
PAZ 132 Apparel/Home Tex.Prod.Mfg.
PAZ 132 Apparel/Home Tex.Prod.Mfg.
PAZ 132 apparel/home textile Prod.Mnf.
PAZ 151 Intro. to Physical Sciences
PAZ 151 Intro. to Physical Sciences
PAZ 151 Intro. to Physical Sciences
PAZ 151 Intro. to Physical Sciences
PAZ 151 Intro. to Physical Sciences
PAZ 151 Fizik Giris 1
PAZ 171 .....
PAZ 207 Fabrics for Interiors
PAZ 208 Internship-Career Exploration
PAZ 208 Internship-Career Exploration
PAZ 208 Internship-Career Exploration
PAZ 209 Fab. for Private Label Apparel
PAZ 209 Fab. for Private Label Apparel
PAZ 210 Lif Analiz Forensiği
PAZ 213 Computer Aided Print Design
PAZ 214 Textile Value Chain Marketing
PAZ 216 Performans Tekstilleri
PAZ 217 Public Speaking
PAZ 217 Public Speaking
PAZ 217 Public Speaking
PAZ 217 Public Speaking
PAZ 220 Yarn Formation:Fund.&Ind.App.
PAZ 231 Macroeconomics
PAZ 302 Hi Tech Textiles
PAZ 331 Nonwovens
PAZ 331 Nonwovens
PAZ 381 Principles of Accounting
TEK 000 Introduction to Smart Textile and Wearable Technology
TEK 000 Ph. D Defense Exam- M.Sc. Pelin Altay
TEK 111 Introduction to Textile Engineering
TEK 112E Fiber Science
TEK 112E Fiber Science
TEK 113E Intr.to Textile Eng. & Ethics
TEK 113E Intr.to Textile Eng. & Ethics
TEK 114E Fiber Science
TEK 114E Fiber Science
TEK 114E Fiber Science
TEK 116E Fiber Science 2022
TEK 116E Fiber Science
TEK 116E Fiber Science
TEK 116E Fiber Science20223
TEK 116E Fiber Science
TEK 211E Textile Chemistry
TEK 211E Textile Chemistry
TEK 213E Textile Chemistry
TEK 213E Textile Chemistry
TEK 213E Textile Chemistry
TEK 233E Yarn Technology I
TEK 233E Yarn Technology I
TEK 234E Weaving Preparation
TEK 234E Weaving Preparation
TEK 234E Weaving Technology I
TEK 234E Weaving Preparation
TEK 254E Knitting Technology
TEK 254E Knitting Technology
TEK 254E Knitting Technology
TEK 254E Knitting Technology
TEK 254E Knitting Technology
TEK 254E Knitting Technology
TEK 301E Nonwoven Technology
TEK 301E Nonwoven Technology
TEK 302E Int.toColoration&Finishing Prc
TEK 302E Int.toColoration&Finishing Prc
TEK 303E Textile and Fashion Marketing
TEK 304E Yarn Spinning Technologies
TEK 304E Yarn Spinning Technologies
TEK 305E Textile Testing
TEK 306E Weaving Technology
TEK 307E Textile and Garment Testing
TEK 307E Textile and Garment Testing
TEK 308E Yarn Technology II
TEK 308E Yarn Technology II
TEK 309E Machine Elements
TEK 309E Machine Elements
TEK 311E Textile Testing
TEK 311E Textile Testing
TEK 311E Textile Testing
TEK 312 Introduction to Coloration and Finishing
TEK 316E Introduction to Coloration and Finishing
TEK 316E İnt. to Coloration&Finishing Prc
TEK 321 Mechine Design
TEK 321 Machine Elements
TEK 327E Machine Elements
TEK 327E Machine Elements
TEK 327E Machine Elements
TEK 341 clothing technology
TEK 341 Clothing Technology
TEK 342E Yarn Technology II
TEK 343E Clothing Technology
TEK 343E Clothing Technology
TEK 345E Clothing Technology
TEK 345E Clothing Technology
TEK 345E Clothing Technology
TEK 354E Mathematical Programming
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms 2021
TEK 361E Mechanisms2022
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 361E Mechanisms
TEK 392E Design in Textile Engineering
TEK 392E Design in Textile Engineering
TEK 403E Textile Finishing Processes
TEK 411 Fabric Design
TEK 412E Textile Finishing Processes
TEK 413E Fabric Design
TEK 413E Fabric Design
TEK 414E Structure&Properties of Fibers
TEK 416E Garment Design Management
TEK 416E Garment Design Management
TEK 416E Garment Design Management
TEK 417E Technical Yarns
TEK 418E Int. to Technical Textiles
TEK 419E Special Woven Fabrics
TEK 422E Dyeing & Printing Technologies
TEK 424E Design of Knitted Fabrics
TEK 426E Quality Cnt in Tex. &Clot.Prod
TEK 426E Quality Cnt in Tex. &Clot.Prod
TEK 434E Int.toSmart Tex.&Wearable Tec.
TEK 434E Int.toSmart Tex.&Wearable Tec.
TEK 434E Int.toSmart Tex.&Wearable Tec.
TEK 434E Int.toSmart Tex.&Wearable Tec.
TEK 441E Yarn Production Calculations
TEK 443E Weft Knitting
TEK 445E New Yarn Production Processes
TEK 447E Ecological Textiles
TEK 447E Ecological Textiles
TEK 449E Materl Management in Clothing
TEK 451E Textile Prod.Management &Cntrl
TEK 452E Knitting Technology II
TEK 453 English
TEK 453E Synthetic &Textured Yarn Prod.
TEK 453E Synthetic &Textured Yarn Prod.
TEK 453E Synthetic &Textured Yarn Prod.
TEK 455E Non-Woven Fabrics
TEK 455E Non-Woven Fabrics
TEK 456E Textile Finishing Auxiliaries
TEK 457E Pre-treatment Processes
TEK 458E Knitted Apparel Production
TEK 459E Garment Pattern Making inAppar
TEK 460E Technical Yarns
TEK 461E Yarn Production Calculations
TEK 462E Ecological Textiles
TEK 463E Text.&Appa.Product.Mng.&Cont.
TEK 464E Automatic Control
TEK 464E Automatic Control
TEK 464E Automatic Control
TEK 464E Automatic Control
TEK 464E Automatic Control
TEK 465E Knitting Technology II
TEK 466E Heat Transfer
TEK 466E Heat Transfer
TEK 466E Heat Transfer
TEK 467E Synthetic &Textured Yarn Prod.
TEK 469E Pre-treatment Processes
TEK 471E Clothing Constr.&Patternmaking
TEK 471E Clothing Constr.&Patternmaking
TEK 478E Colour Analysis
TEK 483E Motion and Time Study
TEK 485E Cost Accounting
TEK 4901E Textile Engineering Design I
TEK 4902E Textile Engineering Design II
TEK 492E Senior Design Project
TEK 492E Senior Design Project
TEK 616E Mechanics&Model.of Text.Comp.
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