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TEK 113E - Intr.to Textile Eng. & Ethics

Course Objectives

I. to give knowledge about textile Engineering
II. to give information about working areas of textile engineering
III. to give general overview of the textile business from fibers to clothing.
IV. to teach the students, the importance of responsibility of the tasks they will undertake during their professional life to increase the awareness of students about how to solve the ethical problems encountered in Professional life.

Course Description

Introduction to Department of Textile Engineering and textile engineering profession, working areas of textile engineering, general information on fibers, yarn technology, weaving technology, knitting technology, nonwovens technology, finishing technology, clothing technology and technical textiles. Philosophical and ethical concepts, Ethical theories, Science Ethics, Engineering ethics codes, Choices and ethics in engineering profession, engineering ethics principles. Ethics in the field of engineering, honesty and responsibility in engineering Informed consent in Engineering, Corporate and management ethics, ethics and globalization, Ethical approach to the solution of conflicts, Compromise, Negotiation strategies, Engineering and environment.

Course Coordinator
Cevza Candan
Fatma Banu Nergis
Course Language
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