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MOD 241 - History of Industrial Design

Course Objectives

Students will have knowledge and an understanding of the disciplines of design and industrial design; they will be familiar with design strategy, needs, materials and also historical effects.
They will also have gained an understanding of the socio-economic and cultural contexts of industrial design. Several concepts like manufactures, mass production, corporate identity, style, advertisement, marketing will also be discussed.

Course Description

Being one of the results of 18- 19th centuries changes seen mainly in Great Britain and France Industrial Revolution refers very important period to understand human perception and behaviors to explore creativity. Therefore this course should be seen as a part of human history. From industrial equipment to motor vehicles and from artistic materials to domestic appliances all examples of Industrial Design products reflects very dynamic relation between “designer- consumer”, “economy- productivity”, “society-policy” etc.

Course Coordinator
Gözde Göncü Berk
Course Language
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