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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design / TEK 453E - SENTETİK FİLAMENT İPLİK ÜRETİM VE TEKSTÜRE TEKNOLOJİLERİ

TEK 453E - Synthetic &Textured Yarn Prod.

Course Objectives

To transfer deep knowledge with regard to synthetic fibers, filament and their production and texturing technologies.

Course Description

The lecture will introduce the macromolecules and fiber forming polymers. The spinning techniques (wet, dry and melt spinning) of polymeric fibers will be studied in detail.

The lecture will also cover the properties of filament yarns and the texturing techniques to provide improvement in warmth, flexibility as well as bulkiness of filament yarns.

Course Coordinator
Ali Demir
Course Language
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