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TEK 306E - Weaving Technology

Course Objectives

1.to give the detailed technological knowledge of contemporary issues of weaving within the context the motions and mechanisms available on weaving machinery,
2.to develop evaluation and decision making abilities for the possible end use fields of weaving machines and for their functionalities considering technological and operational capabilities and constraints,
3.to develop the abilities of planning, controlling, improving the working operations and conditions,
4.to develop the problem solving skills related to the practiced weaving problems.

Course Description

Outline of weaving process and woven fabrics. Classification of weaving machinery. Important industrial issues of weaving. Fundamentals of weaving machines and comprehensive knowledge on contemporary technologies. Basic and advanced motions and mechanisms of weaving machines. Detailed operations based on the material-machine interactions. Application fields of weaving technology.

Course Coordinator
Emel Önder Karaoğlu
Ömer Berk Berkalp
Course Language
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