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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design / TEK 309E - Makina Elemanları

TEK 309E - Machine Elements

Course Objectives

1.To introduce machine elements in machine design
2.To introduce stress calculations of machine elements
3.To use standards and design criteria.
4.To improve goal recognition, creativity, intuition and also to enable the students to gain experience in machine design.
5.To provide necessary knowledge and capability for task specification, concept formation and synthesis phases of machine design.
6.To develop further stages of machine design, manufacturing of prototypes, testing and marketing.

Course Description

Fundamentals of machine design and basics for machine elements including permanent joints, mechanical fasteners, axles, shafts, gears, bearings, clutchers, belts, chains, ropes, tribology.

Course Coordinator
Hande Sezgin
Course Language
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