TEK 302E - Int.toColoration&Finishing Prc
Course Objectives
1. Tekstil terbiye prosesleri ve uygulama metodları hakkında teknolojik bilgi vermek.
2. Kontrol, yönetim ve gerçek çalışma koşullarını iyileştirme yöntemlerini öğretmek.
3. Tekstil terbiye problemlerini çözme becerisi kazandırmak
Course Description
Pre-treatment and coloring processes for fiber, yarn and apparels, application processes for textile products, finishing processes for textile fibers, yarns, fabrics and clothing products, and their description and design leading to their application, the effects of finishing processes over the human health and environment, and precautions to be taken.
Course Coordinator
Berdan Kalav
Course Language