MOD 304 - Computerized Pattern Design
Course Objectives
Through hands-on experience, learn computer-aided design for patternmaking and understand its creative potential. Using the CAD system, recreate the pattern designer’s traditional working environment by translating original ideas to the computer, digitizing and modifying designs and plotting out design creations. The system's hardware and software capabilities are addressed, emphasizing apparel industry applications. Basic computer skills required.
Course Description
Through hands-on experience, learn computer-aided design for patternmaking and understand its creative potential. Using the CAD system, recreate the pattern designer’s traditional working environment by translating original ideas to the computer, digitizing and modifying designs and plotting out design creations. The system's hardware and software capabilities are addressed, emphasizing apparel industry applications. Basic computer skills required.
Course Coordinator
Belgin Görgün
Belgin Görgün
Course Language