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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design / MOD 363 - Hazır Giyimde Tasarım Yönleri

MOD 363 - Design Directions in R-T-W

Course Objectives

Students explore casual designer sportswear markets and themes through in-store and online research, conceptual design development for collection development in a design journal format. Students develop a body of work including an industry collaboration project, a sustainable unit, and an E-commerce streetwear unit incorporating a variety of industry-specific presentation formats.

Course Description

Students explore casual designer sportswear markets and themes through in-store and online research, conceptual design development for collection development in a design journal format. Students develop a body of work including an industry collaboration project, a sustainable unit, and an E-commerce streetwear unit incorporating a variety of industry-specific presentation formats.

Course Coordinator
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Course Language
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