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Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

In faculty there is a library with 16,000 books service to students. Students can research, study and prepare technical drawing in 8 computer laboratories. Ata Nutku Ship Model Testing Laboratory, ship hydrodynamics and the design respond to the needs of all kinds in our country uniquely.


  • Naval Architecture
  • Ocean Engineering


ADM 501E Simulati.of Solid&Fluid Prob.
ADM 502E Offshore Engineering Mechanics: Structural Dynamics
ADM 502E Offshore Eng.Mecha.:Struc.Dyn.
ADM 503E Design Optimis.in Offsho.Eng.
ADM 504E Offshore Engineering Mechanics: Hydrodynamics
ADM 505E Environ.Aspe.of Offsho.Activ.
ADM 507E Offshore Wind Farm Design
ADM 507E Offshore Wind Farm Design
ADM 509E Special Topics in Offshore Engineering
ADM 510E Advanced Underwater Acoustics
ADM 511E Oil Pollution, Con.&Clea.Tech.
ADM 596 Research ethics and seminar
ADM 596 Seminar
ADM 596 Seminary
ADM 596 scour around marine structures
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminarseminer
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
ADM 596E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
ADM YLT Yıldız Ekşi Doktora Yeterlik
DEN 101 Int. to Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering & Ethics
DEN 102 Computer Aided Technical Drawing
DEN 102 Computer aided technical drawing
DEN 111 Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering Announcement
DEN 111E Intr.to Naval Arc.& Ocean Eng.
DEN 208E Const.of Ship & Offshore Strc.
DEN 210E Engineering Mathematics
DEN 211 Introduction to Engineering Design
DEN 216E Measurement Techniques
DEN 218E Const.of Ship&Offshore Strc.
DEN 224 Experimental Design and Data Analysis
DEN 224E Experim.Design & Data Analysis
DEN 306E Marine Vehicle Design
DEN 308E Stability of Marine Vehicles
DEN 310E Resistance and Propulsion
DEN 312E Resist. of Ship&Offshore Stru.
DEN 314 Oceanography
DEN 314 Oceanography
DEN 316 Soil Mechanics
DEN 318 Water Wave Mechanics
DEN 318E Wave Mechanics
DEN 319E Introduction to Marine Ecological Processes
DEN 319E Intr. to Marine Ecolo. Process
DEN 322 Gemi Makinaları ve Donanımı
DEN 322E Marine Engines and Auxiliaries
DEN 322E Marine Engines and Auxiliaries
DEN 323E Wave Mechanics
DEN 323E Wave Mechanics
DEN 324E Marine Engines and Auxiliaries
DEN 324E Marine Engines and Auxiliaries
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 325E Adv. Manufacturing Process
DEN 326 Computer Aided Design of Offshore Structures
DEN 326 Computer Aided Offshore Structure Calculations
DEN 327E Safety Mang.&Risk Analy.
DEN 328E Oceanography
DEN 328E Oceanography
DEN 328E Oceanography
DEN 328E Oceanography
DEN 330E Marine Engines&Aux.
DEN 331E Cons.of Ship & Offshore Struc.
DEN 332 Maritime and Labor Law
DEN 332 Maritime Law
DEN 332 Maritime and Labor Law
DEN 332 Maritime Law
DEN 334 Seawater Chemistry
DEN 337 Intr. to Marine Ecolo. Process
DEN 337E Intr. to Marine Ecolo. Process
DEN 339 Marine Pollution
DEN 339 Marine Pollution
DEN 340E Hydrostatics of Marine Vehic.
DEN 341E Ship Theory
DEN 341E Ship Theory
DEN 341E Ship Theory
DEN 342E Ship Design
DEN 345E Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems
DEN 351 Introduction to survey and certification process
DEN 353 Introduction to Ship Management System
DEN 405E Coastal Engineering
DEN 406E Offshore Structural Analysis
DEN 411 Hydrodynamics
DEN 411 Hydrodynamics of ships and offshore structures.
DEN 411 Hidrodinamik
DEN 411 Hydrodynamics of Ships and Offshore Structures
DEN 411 Hidrodinamik
DEN 411 Hydrodynamics of Ships and Offshore Structures
DEN 412E Underwater Acoustics
DEN 412E Underwater Acoustics
DEN 412E Underwater Acoustics
DEN 412E Underwater Acoustics
DEN 413 Concrete Technology for Marine Structures
DEN 413E Concrete Tech.for Marine Stru.
DEN 414 Deniz Dibi Boru Döşeme Tekniği
DEN 414 Pipeline
DEN 414 Underwater Pipelining
DEN 414 Underwater Piping Techniques
DEN 414 Underwater Piping Techniques
DEN 414 Deniz Dibi Boru Döşeme Tekniği
DEN 415E Marine Pollution
DEN 416E Coastal Structures
DEN 418 Marine Energy Technology
DEN 418E Marine Energy Technology
DEN 421 Ship Propulsion
DEN 421E Ship Propulsion
DEN 421E Ship Propulsion
DEN 422 Marine Structures Project II
DEN 424E Computer Aided Ship Design
DEN 427E 3D Programlamlar
DEN 428E Seawater Chemistry
DEN 429E Inr. to the Analysis of Oce.Da
DEN 431E Strength of Ships and Offshore Structures
DEN 431E Stgth of Shps & Offshr Strctrs
DEN 431E Stgth of Shps & Offshr Strctrs
DEN 433E Stability of Floating Objects
DEN 435 Engineering Economics and Marine Transport Applications
DEN 436E Ecotoxicology in the Marine Environments
DEN 436E Ecotoxicology in the Marine En
DEN 436E Ecotoxicology in the Marine En
DEN 439E Ballast Water Management
DEN 443 Corrosion and Corrosion Control in Seawater
DEN 445E Experim.Design & Data Analysis
DEN 446 Electr&Control Systems in Ships
DEN 446 Electr&Control Systems in Ships
DEN 446 Ship Electr. & Control Syst.
DEN 447E Engineering Optimisation
DEN 449E Inr. to the Analysis of Oce.Da
DEN 450E Ballast Water Management
DEN 451 Ship Mod.Tst.&OceanographyLab.
DEN 451E Ship Mod.Tst.&OceanographyLab.
DEN 451E Ship Mod.Tst.&OceanographyLab.
DEN 451E Ship Mod.Tst.&OceanographyLab.
DEN 454 Plan Approval Processes in Classification
DEN 456 Maritime Law
DEN 458 Occupational Health and Safety in Survey Activities
DEN 458 Occupational Health and Safety in Survey Activities
DEN 460 National and International Rules, Regulations in Survey Activities
DEN 462E Motions&Control of Mar.Vehic.
DEN 479E Underwater Vehicle Technology
DEN 482 Graduation Project
DEN 482 Individual Project
DEN 482 Graduation Project
DEN 482 Graduation Project
DEN 4901E Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering Design I
DEN 4902E Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering Design II
DEN 492 Graduation Thesis
DEN 492 Graduation Project
GEM 000 Thermodynamics
GEM 000 Academic Concultancy
GEM 000 Meeting
GEM 101 Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering & Ethic
GEM 101 Introduction to Naval Architecture and Marine Enginnering and Ethics
GEM 101E Int.to Nav.Arch.&Mar.Eng.&Eth.
GEM 102 Ship Geometry
GEM 102 Ship Geometry
GEM 102 Ship Geometry
GEM 111 introduction To Naval architecture and Marine engineering
GEM 111E Introduction to Naval Architecture and Marine Enginnering and Ethics
GEM 112 Computer Aided Technical Drawing
GEM 112 Computer Aided Technical Drawing
GEM 201E Dynamics
GEM 201E Dynamics
GEM 201E Dynamics
GEM 203 Mechanics of Materials
GEM 203 Mechanics/Strength of Materials
GEM 203 Strength of Materials I
GEM 204 Thermodynamics
GEM 204 Thermodynamics
GEM 204 Thermodynamics
GEM 204E Thermodynamics
GEM 205 Materials and Manufacturing Methods
GEM 205 .
GEM 210E Engineering Mathematics
GEM 211 Ship geometry
GEM 211 ship geometry
GEM 211 Ship Geometry
GEM 211E Ship Geometry
GEM 212 Manufacturing Methods
GEM 212 Manufacturing Processes
GEM 212 .
GEM 212E Manufacturing Processes
GEM 212E Manufacturing Processes
GEM 214E Engineering Measurements
GEM 216E Heat Transfer In Engineering
GEM 216E Heat Transfer In Engineering
GEM 218E Structural Dynamics
GEM 222 Ship Construction
GEM 222E Ship Construction
GEM 222E Ship Construction
GEM 312 Marine Auxiliary Machinery
GEM 312 Gemi Yardımcı Makinaları
GEM 313 Marine Engines
GEM 313 Marine Engines
GEM 313E Marine Engines
GEM 314E Methods Of Ship Production
GEM 318E Elements Of Machinery
GEM 320 Int. to. Comp. Flud. dyn.
GEM 321E Ship Theory
GEM 321E Ship Theory
GEM 322 Strength of Ships
GEM 322E Strength of Ships
GEM 325 Ship Construction
GEM 325 Ship Construction
GEM 325 Ship Construction
GEM 326E Ship Design - Yaz Okulu 2023
GEM 326E Ship Design
GEM 327E Ship Hydrodynamics(Resistance)
GEM 327E Ship Hydrodynamics(Resistance)
GEM 328E Ship Hydrodynamics (Propulsion)
GEM 329 Marine and Labor Law
GEM 329 Maritime and Labor Law
GEM 329 Maritime and Labor Law
GEM 329 Maritime and Labor Law
GEM 329E Maritime and Labor Law
GEM 331 Shipping Finance
GEM 331E Shipping Economics
GEM 332 Electrical Systems in Ships
GEM 332 Gemi Elektirik Sistemleri
GEM 332E Electrical Systems in Ships
GEM 332E Electrical Systems in Ships
GEM 341E Ship Hydrodynamics - (Resistance)
GEM 341E Ship Hydrodynamics
GEM 342E Ship Design
GEM 353 Occupational Accidents in Shipyards
GEM 353 Work Safety & Health Training in Shipbuilding Industry
GEM 354 Work Safety and Health Training in Shipbuilding Industry
GEM 354 Work Safety & Health Training in Shipbuilding Industry
GEM 410 Computational Fluid Mechanics
GEM 411 Ship Design Project I
GEM 412E Shipyard Organization
GEM 412E Shipyard Organization
GEM 412E Shipyard Organization
GEM 413 .
GEM 415 Dersin İngilizce adı
GEM 416 warship design
GEM 416 Naval Ship Design
GEM 416 Naval Ship Design
GEM 417E Sailing Yacht Design
GEM 418E Corrsn & Fouling In Marine Env
GEM 420E High Speed Craft Design
GEM 421 Ship motions and maneouvering
GEM 421 Ship Motions and Maneuvering
GEM 421 Ship motion and maneuvering
GEM 421E Ship Motions and Maneuvering
GEM 421E Ship Motions and Maneuvering
GEM 421E Ship Motions and Maneuvering
GEM 423E Advanced Propulsion Systems
GEM 424E Reliability Of Ship Structures
GEM 425E Mechanics of Marine Structures
GEM 425E Finite Element Analysis of Marine Structures
GEM 426 Hydrodynamic Design of Ships
GEM 426E Hydrodynamic Design of Ships
GEM 427 Engine Room Design Principles
GEM 430E Shipyard Organization
GEM 434 Thermal Optimization of Marine Power Plants
GEM 436E Refrigeration Syst For Ships
GEM 438E Stability of Ships
GEM 445 Marine Piping Systems
GEM 447E Vent & Air Cond Sys For Ships
GEM 453E Automatic Control of Ships
GEM 453E Automatic Control of Ships
GEM 473 Fundamentals of Submarine Design
GEM 474 Underwater Acoustics of Marine Vehicles
GEM 482 Bireysel Bitirme Projesi
GEM 482 Individual Graduation Project
GEM 482 Graduation Project
GEM 482 Individual Graduation Project
GEM 482 Individual Graduation Project
GEM 482E Individual Graduation Project
GEM 4901 Nav.Arch.&Mar.Eng. Design Project I
GEM 4902 Nav.Arch.&Mar.Eng. Design Project I
GEM 492 Graduation Project
GEM 492 Graduation Project 1
GEM 492 Graduation Project 2
GEM 492 Graduation Thesis
GEM 492 Bitirme Çalışması
GEM 492 Bitirme Çalışması
GEM 492 Graduation Project - Doç. Dr. Devrim Bülent Danışman
GEM 492 Graduation Project Online Final Exam
GEM 492 Graduation Thesis
GEM 492E Graduation Project
GEM 492E Graduation Project
GEM 492E Graduation Design Project
GEM 696E Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar
HSS 201 Genel İngilizce I
HSS 201 General English I
HSS 201 General English-I
HSS 202 General English-II
HSS 202 General English-II
HSS 222 Economics
HSS 301 Research Methods & Statistics
HSS 301 Research Methods and Statistics
HSS 301 Research Methods & Statistics
HSS 331 Disaster Awareness
HSS 331 Disaster Awareness
HSS 331 Disaster Awareness
HSS 341 Engineering Ethics
NAE 101 Int.to Nav.Arch.&Mar.Eng.&Eth.
NAE 101 Int.to Nav.Arch.&Mar.Eng.&Eth.
NAE 102 Ship Geometry
NAE 201 Practical Training-I
NAE 202 Ship Construction
NAE 211 Ship Geometry
NAE 211 Ship Geometry
NAE 232 Hydrodynamic Design of Ships
NAE 242 Stability of Ships
NAE 301 Practical Training-II
NAE 302 Strength of Ships
NAE 302 Strength of Ships
NAE 311 Ship Theory
NAE 312 Ship Design
NAE 312 Ship Design
NAE 312 Ship Design
NAE 312 Ship Design
NAE 321 Ship Hydrodynamics
NAE 331 Gemi Üretim Yöntemleri
NAE 331 Methods of ship production
NAE 341 Structural Design of Ships
NAE 341 Gemilerin Yapısal Dizaynı
NAE 341 Structural Design of Ships
NAE 401 Practical Training-III
NAE 402 Graduation Design Project
NAE 411 Ship Design Project I
NAE 411 Ship Design Project I
NAE 412 Ship Design Project II
NAE 421 Ship motions and maneuvering
NAE 431 Sailing Vessel Design
NAE 431 Sailing Vessel Design
NAE 431 Sailing Vessel Design
NTH 103 National History I
NTH 104 National History II
NTH 104 National History II
NTH 104 National History II
PHE 101 Physical Education
PHE 101 Physical Education
SGI 101 Int.to Nav.Arch.&Mar.Eng.&Eth.
SGI 102 Intr.to Prog.Language(PYTHON)
SGI 103 Intr.to Sci& Eng.Comp.(MATLAB)
SGI 112 Comp. Aided Technical Drawing
SGI 202 Dynamics
SGI 205 Fluid Mechanics
SGI 207 Material Science
SGI 208 Numerical Methods
SGI 211 Ship Geometry
SGI 211 Ship Geometry
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