GEM 222E - Ship Construction
Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to offer detailed information on ship structures and to teach dimensioning of structural elements and ship outfitting.
Course Description
The hull and its elements, factors affecting structural desing of hull and its elements, framing systems, hull meterials and welding, construction according to rules of classification societies, construction by using strength calculation, details of ship construction. Types of ships, framing to ship types, dry cargo ships, structural desing of cargo ships, ore carrier, universal bulk carriers, oil tanker, ore-oil carriers, liquefied gas carriers, container ships, ro-ro ships, passenger ships, fishing ship, the hull contstructions made of non-ferrous meterials, fiberglass, wood, aliminum and ferrocemets, hull outfit and fitting, cargo handling systems.
Course Coordinator
Adnan Kefal
Course Language