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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering / DEN 451E - Gemi ve Oşinografi Laboratuvarı

DEN 451E - Ship Mod.Tst.&OceanographyLab.

Course Objectives

1.To know some insturements for oseanographic measurements
2. To measure basic oceanographic parameters
3. To evaluate the measuring results

4. Ship Model Experiment Systems

Course Description

Introduction, Photo-elasticity Measurement, Strain-gauge Measurement, Salinity Measurement,
Dissolved O2 Measurement, pH Measurement, PO43- Measurement, Oil Measurement, Using of
GPS and Echo Sounder, Ship Model Experiment Systems, Model Ship Basin (Model Towing
Tank), Resistance, Propulsion, Wake, Flow Visualization, etc. Experiments, Introduction and
general information about ship’s strength lab., Photo-elastic measurement ,Strain-gauge

Course Coordinator
Burcu Erbaş Öz
Course Language
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