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CEV 203E - Environmental Microbiology

Course Objectives

1.To define the importance of the microorganisms
2.To increase the interest to environmental microbiology
3.To give fundamental knowledge of microbiology to construct a basis for the following courses
4.To give the microbial dimension of environmental engineering problems and their solutions
5.To give the ability to conduct experiments in environmental microbiology applications

Course Description

Microbial diversity. Description and characteristics of bacteria, archaea, protozoa, algae, fungi, viruses. Carbon and energy flow in microorganisms (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport system). Aerobic and anaerobic respiration and photosynthesis. Enzymes and their functions. Microorganisms important for environmental engineering: Microbiology of water, wastewater and biological treatment systems. Settling properties of activated sludge; problems and solutions. Microbial bioremediation.

Course Coordinator
Süleyman Övez
Süleyman Övez
Course Language
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