GEO 101E - Intro. to Info. Technologies
Course Objectives
By means of this course, students learn the fundamental concepts and
methods of information technology and possess the knowledge of the
potential within Geomatics Engineering. Students will be able to design a process, component or a system and gain the skills of using/developing software relevant to Geomatics Engineering.
Course Description
Within this course, rapidly developing information technologies that are
also the core components of Geomatics Engineering is introduced and
their importance with Geomatics Engineering discipline is emphasized.
Furthermore, several concepts and methods of information technology
such as fundamentals, human computer interaction, system rchitecture, data structures, data analyses, multi-media technologies and applications, computer graphics, object-oriented approach is explained in order to aid solving Geomatics Engineering specific problems. This course also contains developing software for spatial applications.
Course Coordinator
Ramazan Alper Kuçak
Course Language