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DNK 201 - Dynamics

Course Objectives

Dynamics: Introduction, history.
Kinematics of particle: Various coordinate systems.
Special cases (Plane and rectilinear motion).
Kinetics of Particle: Rectangular coordinates, one dimensional motions, examples.
Vibration (particle) : Free vibration, forced vibration.
Damped vibration, damped forced vibration.
Normal and tangential coordinates, cylindrical coord.
Central force motion, space mechanics.
Work and Energy: Work of a force, energy, power.
Conservative forces, conservation of energy.
Impulse and Momentum: Linear impuls and momentum.
Angular momentum.
Variable mass.
Kinematics of a Rigid Body,
Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and acceleration.
Kinetics of a Rigid Body cont.
Work and energy.
Impulse and momentum

Course Description

Dynamics: Introduction, history.
Kinematics of particle: Various coordinate systems.
Special cases (Plane and rectilinear motion).
Kinetics of Particle: Rectangular coordinates, one dimensional motions, examples.
Vibration (particle) : Free vibration, forced vibration.
Damped vibration, damped forced vibration.
Normal and tangential coordinates, cylindrical coord.
Central force motion, space mechanics.
Work and Energy: Work of a force, energy, power.
Conservative forces, conservation of energy.
Impulse and Momentum: Linear impuls and momentum.
Angular momentum.
Variable mass.
Kinematics of a Rigid Body,
Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and acceleration.
Kinetics of a Rigid Body cont.
Work and energy.
Impulse and momentum

Course Coordinator
Hale Ergün
Course Language
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