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MIM 361E - Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio

Course Objectives

To provide basic knowledge about traditional and advanced documentation techniques
To introduce students to the basic principles about documentation and research of historical structures and environments and to provide field work experience
To provide basic technical skills for conservation project processes
To understand the role and responsibilities of the architect in conservation projects

Course Description

This course, which is based on practice, focuses on documentation and research and uses the methodology followed in the preparation of a conservation project. Students will learn on how to survey historic structure, including steps of material, damage and period analysis, and than followed by restitution, restoration and re-functioning stages. In addition to introducing traditional and advanced documentation techniques with on-site applications, each student group works on a historical structure in order to develop a project that includes the steps mentioned above as a term study. Historical research, historical documents, maps, drawings, engravings, books, photographs, etc., accompanying the architectural documentation process, contribute to the understanding of the historical context of the structure and its surroundings. Detailed examination and analysis studies provide access to information on original materials and construction technology and current problems. The project process includes interventions at different scales and scopes for the protection of the structure as well as the development of functional proposals.

Course Coordinator
Lana Kudumoviç
Lana Kudumoviç
Course Language
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