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MIM 211E - Architectural Design III

Course Objectives

The studio aims to develop a solution for a design problem, consisting of an architectural space combined with two distinct functions, defined as a dwelling and a studio, creative working space, which is located in Yeldeğirmeni, Kadıköy. The course will start with the analysis of the natural, built, and cultural domains of the project site. The process will be informed by the analysis of the context, urban fabric, topography, and historical and cultural domains of the site, followed by interpreting the functional program and user requirements. The students are expected to interpret the program and identify a unique scenario for linking the functions within one building solution with the wider content. The key concepts to be investigated are space, spatial organization, users, actions, scale, function, circulation, accessibility, computation and integrated design processes. Design Research(dr) and Design Exploration(de) are the two critical stages of the studio. Research, readings, analysis, mappings, presentations, sketches, drawings and modelling will be integral parts of the process. The use of different modes of modelling, including physical, digital and algorithmic modelling will be explored. Throughout the studio, presentations and discussions will be held related to contemporary architectural works and ideas.

Course Description

The methodology obtains two modules. The methods and techniques include various types of representation, computation and analysis, including diagramming, physical modelling, two-and three-dimensional drawings, geometric modelling, algorithmic design and simulations.

Course Coordinator
Sevil Yazıcı
Course Language
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