MIM 377E - Cities and Architecture
Course Objectives
1. Gain the ability to establish relationships between architectural and urban scales
2. Gain the ability to integrate urban concepts into architectural design
3. Gain the ability to understand the city and its components in an analytical way
4. Gain the ability to grasp the transformative impact of architecture in urban scale through cases
Course Description
The basic content of the course is the discussions about the place of architecture in the city and the city in architecture. Firstly, what the city is and how it is defined by various people is examined. The acts and methods of observation, reading, deciphering for understanding the city; urban experience, various representations of experience are among the subjects of the course. The spatial design of cities and the design principles that are utilized are explored by examples. Urban transformation, transformation strategies and iconic structures of the city are discussed. Modernist architecture, visionary architecture, holistic narratives, urban and architectural utopias are also some of the topics.
Course Coordinator
Fatma Erkök
Course Language