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ENT 339E - Bsc.Dsgn.Prc.of Lighting Lumn.

Course Objectives

1. A general knowledge on the concept of lighting,
2. Optical rules and qualities,
3. Technical knowledge on the lighting devices
4. An original design of a lighting device

Course Description

Light, Classification and quality of lighting, Photometric symbols and optical laws, Human eye and seeing, Physiologic and optical principals, Visual comfort and glare; Artificial light sources, Luminous flux distribution characteristics of different light sources, Lighting luminaries, their basic functions, Luminous flux distribution characteristics of different light luminaries, Materials, Reflectors, Refractors, Diffusers, Screening devices, Seals and filters in luminaries production; Photometric data sheet of indoor and outdoor lighting luminaries, Physical and mechanical protection performances of luminaries, Light sources and their electrical and electronic components and their effects on luminary design, Lighting luminary design process and phases, Application- designing a lighting luminary.

Course Coordinator
Ekrem Cem Alppay
Course Language
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