SBP 311E - Project V (Spatial Planning and Urban Development)
Course Objectives
The aim of the project is to prepare an urban development plan by understanding the dynamics of urban and regional development, while considering the legal, administrative, socio-economic, and ecological dimensions to guide the change. In line with this aim, the project focuses on:
• Comprehending the regional and local development dynamics and constraints of the settlement, and assessing their spatial impacts for the future,
• Evaluating alternative development options and developing spatial and socio-economic strategies in line with the planning objectives,
• Understanding the roles of different actors in the planning process and relating them to actions based on spatial and socio-economic strategies,
• Developing land use decisions associated with spatial and socio-economic strategies,
• Understanding and evaluating the relationships between different planning scales and scopes.
Course Description
Scope of the Project: • Analyzing the development and transformation trends of Tuzla/Istanbul using current analysis methods, identifying potentials and constraints,
• Analyzing the existing upper-scale plans,
• Discussing and evaluating the vision and strategic goals for the future of the study area, which were outlined in the studies conducted in Project IV,
• Re-assessing the roles of actors and collaboration potentials within the study area to achieve these goals,
• Developing land use decisions aimed at spatial and action-oriented development targets.
A two-stage study will be carried out within the scope of the project:
• Developing the strategic spatial planning approach studied in Project IV, identifying development scenarios, and establishing their relationship with lower scales while determining alternatives,
• Based on the alternatives studied in the first stage, evaluating land use decisions for the Tuzla settlement through actions determined at the upper scale, and developing a 1/5000-scale urban development plan (spatial strategic plan - urban development plan).
Course Coordinator
Emine Ferhan Gezici Korten
Course Language