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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / ICM 121 - Sanat ve Kültür Tarihi

ICM 121 - History of Art and Culture

Course Objectives

1. To enrich students visual memory by using visual media including images of works of art and movies
2. To give an ability to fully comprehend the works of arts and styles in history of art.
3. To encourage students to visit contemporary exhibition and museums,
4. To develop critical thinking skills.

Course Description

Theoretical introduction related to art; a variety of works of art, from prehistoric eras to the present, such as painting, sculpture, architecture, photograph and designs object are discussed within a socioeconomic, political, religious and cultural perspective; analysis and interpret work of art; artist; analysis of interior decoration and design within visual arts; visiting exhibitions and criticism of contemporary arts.

Course Coordinator
Deniz Çalışır Pençe
Course Language
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