SBP 327 - Urban Law and Managament
Course Objectives
Turkish Local Government Structure Duties and responsibilities of municipalities local government finance municipal unions relations between central government and local government division of labor supervision coordination administrative tutelage General concept of law, classification of law and legal instruments of law. Legislation regarding urban planning and environmental protection, current map, master and implementation zoning plan, construction of physical plans, legal basis of plan changes and revisions, legal tools of plan implementation.
Course Description
Turkish Local Government Structure Duties and responsibilities of municipalities local government finance municipal unions relations between central government and local government division of labor supervision coordination administrative tutelage General concept of law, classification of law and legal instruments of law. Legislation regarding urban planning and environmental protection, current map, master and implementation zoning plan, construction of physical plans, legal basis of plan changes and revisions, legal tools of plan implementation.
Course Coordinator
Numan Kılınç
Course Language