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MIM 212E - Architectural Design IV

Course Objectives

1. Development of abilities in approaching design problems in a multi-dimensional manner.
2. Discussion on the unity of systems (social, cultural, structural, etc.) within the design process and developing an awareness concerning this.
3. Development of the students’ conceptualization and design development skills, based on the unity of design systems.
4. Investigation of the design problem and its personalization.

Course Description

Design issues emphasizing the use of natural, historical and built environmental conditions as an input for approaching design; themes uniting the architectural idea with structure, construction, and building details; design problems requiring research at various scales; different solutions dealing with topography; converting conceptual and abstract design approaches into contemporary and constructive designs; integrating technical data into the design process; organizing field trips that promote fruitful discussions concerning the contemporary architectural scene of various Turkish cities; giving lectures, organizing seminars and conducting workshops to investigate and research various topics and contemporary approaches; organizing juries to evaluate design process.

Course Coordinator
İmdat As
Course Language
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