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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / PEM 411E - Peyzaj Tasarımı IV

PEM 411E - Landscape Design IV

Course Objectives

1.To comprehend the basic information about the improvement of character degraded, problematic urban areas or natural areas.
2. Introducing and researching new techniques and technologies and ecosystem models used in the restoration of degraded areas.
3. To gain the ability to develop projects within the framework of planning decisions for the improvement of problematic urban or natural areas

Course Description

Developing landscape and urban design process in the force of new planning decisions about improvement of urban and natural areas with problems. Using new techniques and technologies to solve those problems, and developing methods to protect the eco-system. Destroyed forest areas, abandoned quarries, coastal landfills, design of urban open spaces related to transportation system, a new evaluation of existing urban pattern, design in the historical urban patterns.

Course Coordinator
Fatma Ayçim Türer Başkaya
Course Language
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