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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / ICM 355E - İç mimarlıkta Renk ve Işık

ICM 355E - Invstg.Colr&Light in Int.Arch

Course Objectives

Color and light as interior design elements; basic knowledge of color, color theories and systems, color planning techniques in interior design, spatial perception-color relationship, analysis of color through applications in interior surfaces and furnishings; light, light value in creating spatial atmosphere; surface–light color, form and texture change; Selection of interior textile products in the context of color and light

Course Description

Color and light as interior design elements; basic knowledge of color, color theories and systems, color planning techniques in interior design, spatial perception-color relationship, analysis of color through applications in interior surfaces and furnishings; light, light value in creating spatial atmosphere; surface–light color, form and texture change; Selection of interior textile products in the context of color and light

Course Coordinator
Demet Arslan Dinçay
Course Language
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