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SBP 411 - Project VII (URBAN DESIGN)

Course Objectives

The project study areas consist of regions with different characteristics connected to Burhaniye District of Balıkesir Province. The aim of the project is to examine and evaluate the social, economic, cultural and spatial changes of the area over time, the relations of the study area with its immediate surroundings and within the district, and to present schematic representations, to examine the current problems of the area, the potentials related to the space, opportunities, threats and weaknesses, and to develop alternative urban design solution proposals reflected in the spatial dimension in one of these focus areas.

Course Description

Literature review and analytical research in order to understand the transformation of the project site in time process,
• Examination of the urban planning practices, which include the planning decisions implemented by the central authorities and local municipalities,
• Developing alternative scenarios and urban design proposals for the selected area.

Course Coordinator
Mehmet Ali Yüzer
Course Language
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