ICM 209E - Inter.Arch.Design Fund.Studio
Course Objectives
1. Gaining space design experience from large to small scale in the context of holistic and sustainable planning and design;
2. Developing conceptual and critical skills through theoretical investigation and research on basic facts and concepts at different scales in the field of design;
3. To provide an understanding of the natural and cultural data related to the environment, to examine the environment-building-indoor-user relations;
4. Transforming spatial experience and usage scenarios into space organization and design, expressing them with different techniques;
5. To develop the skills of designing and managing the design process in a spatial context.
Course Description
Investigation of across scale relations in the context of user-space-space relations; questioning the concepts of indoor-outdoor space in relation to the city-natural environment; holistic and sustainable design process; spatial setup of social, cultural and such functions, creating usage scenarios and content programs, expressing them with different techniques; theoretical analysis and research on basic facts and concepts in the design process; identity-meaning-concept-form relations; function-texture-form-structure-material-loadbearing system-technology relations
Course Coordinator
Seniye Banu Garip
Course Language