ENT 211E - Industrial Design Studio
Course Objectives
1. Describing the basic concepts of industrial design in a conceptual and applied way.
2. Teaching design concepts which will also help to understand all the other courses contents
Course Description
Definitions of concepts related to design, function, structure, economics, aesthetics, management. Sources of design: Nature, vernacular and folk art, technology. Objectives of design: Use, production, sales, infrastructure, recycling. Design communication and language of design, Meaning in design. New directions in design theories. Design methods, design systems, planning design, corporate identity. Design Psychology. Semiotics in design. Future topics of design. Roles of communication
technologies, etc. Applications on function, vernacular design, objectives of design, language of design, etc. Visits to museums and factories.
Course Coordinator
Layıka Ney Ece Arıburun Kırca
Course Language