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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / MYZ 306E - Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarımda Yapay Zeka

MYZ 306E - Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design

Course Objectives

In the fields of architecture, planning, and design;
To give basic knowledge about the basic concepts and applications of artificial intelligence,
To teach artificial intelligence tools and algorithms at a basic level
To provide the skill to benefit from artificial intelligence in problem-solving
To provide the skill to work in collaboration as a team
Raising awareness on the ethical use of artificial intelligence

Course Description

Basic concepts, applications, and potential of artificial intelligence in architecture, planning, and design; AI-assisted design tools and software; exploration and development of AI-driven solutions for design problems; ethical issues and current approaches emerged with artificial intelligence.

Course Coordinator
Orkan Zeynel Güzelci
Course Language
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