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MIM 204 - Architectural Building Element Design

Course Objectives

1. Understanding of building element systems through precedent analysis and incorporation of knowledge into design
2. Gaining the ability to design building element systems with prior criteria
3. Gaining the ability to Integrate building element systems with each other and the structural system

Course Description

Analysis, design and integration of building elements with pre-defined design criteria and constraints: external wall systems, window and door systems, floor systems, vertical circulation systems, roof systems, partition systems.
Integration of building materials and assemblies in building element design. Interaction of building design with the building element design process in the context of external envelope, intermediate floor, stair and partition systems.
Integration of building element systems with each other and the structural system. Making technical drawings and preparing models of designed building elements and assemblies. Lectures and studio work.

Course Coordinator
Caner Göçer
Course Language
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