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MIM 312E - Architectural Design VI

Course Objectives

1. Development of suitable design strategies in the execution of complex design problems 2. Research and discussion on contemporary architectural discourse, building associations with them in architectural design activities 3. Assessment of urban and environmental parameters as architectural design inputs 4. Building relations between architectural design and different disciplinary expertise 5. Advanced use of sophisticated representational tools and mediums for architectural design.1.Tasarım problemlerinin uygun tasarım stratejileri ile işlenmesi becerisi, 2. Karmaşık kentsel dokulara ilişkin, veri toplama, araştırma ve aktarma becerisi, 3. Mimari tasarımın disiplinler arası bir ortamda koordinasyonunu sağlama beceresi. 4. Mimari tasarımda güncel teknoloji ve malzeme olanaklarına hakim olma, 5. Geliştirilen mimari çözüm/ nesneye ilişkin bilginin, gelişmiş çoklu ortam temsilleri aracılığıyla ifadesi.

Course Description

Investigation of multi-faceted design problems in various scales and details in discussion with the frameworks of participation, pluralism and social awareness; critical analysis and holistic evaluation of urban context, program, sustainability, energy, economy, advanced building systems and technologies together with contemporary debates, architectural theory and criticism; development of complex, multi-functional programs and building solutions; evaluating diverse disaster scenarios (natural or manmade) as inputs into the design process; advanced use of representational media.

Course Coordinator
Yüksel Demir
Course Language
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