MIM 211 - Arcitectural Design III
Course Objectives
The Project III course provides students the skills to research, analyze, plan, and design while considering the relation between humans, nature, culture, environment, and function. Thinking critically, exploring the urban fabric, conceptualizing, and interpreting, and defining and solving functional and structural problems are essential in this studio. The main objective is to enable students to perceive, investigate, interpret, and analyze the relations humans have to space, objects (products), and the environment, in terms of both nature and culture, to develop and increase the abilities and knowledge related to techniques and methods. By the end of the course, students will be able to create design alternatives about form, function, and space in the planning and design process.
Course Description
As FLANEURS we are traveling around the city.. We are urban travelers.. We are in the city; we live the city.. Do we belong? What do we do to belong? What / where / based on what do we choose? Where do we breathe? We watch.. We feel.. We record.. We leave our mark as we pass by.. We do not change but infiltrate..
This term at FLANEUR STUDIO we think about these issues.. We are thinking by strolling / drifting around in Beyoğlu.. We are establishing our relationship with Beyoğlu through design..
The idle journeyman of the idle wanderer [Idleness route] + I was passing by [Observation / Recording space] + Narrow space [Infiltration area] are our main modules.. At the end of this journey, each of us creates their own Beyoğlu..
Enjoy the ride..
Course Coordinator
Ayşe Meltem Baslo
Course Language