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MIM 411E - Architectural Design VII

Course Objectives

Establishing the Relationship Between Architecture and Urban Dynamics: Understanding how architecture interacts with urban dynamics on national and international levels and developing future projections in this context.

Analyzing and Evaluating Multi-Scale Relationships: Examining urban, regional, and global relations at different scales and qualities, and understanding their impact on architectural practices.

Exploring the Socio-Cultural Dimension of Architecture: Engaging in discussions and analysis of the socio-cultural aspects of architecture, particularly in the context of natural, historical, and cultural heritage, and translating these into architectural knowledge.

Interdisciplinary Integration: Building connections between architecture and other disciplines, integrating knowledge from various fields into the architectural design process.

Innovative and Creative Solutions for Complex Programs: Developing advanced structural systems and detailed solutions for large-scale, diverse, and complex architectural programs with a focus on creativity and innovation.

Applying Past Achievements and Developing Personal Approaches: Utilizing past architectural knowledge and experiences effectively while encouraging the development of individual design approaches.

Course Description

Establishing the relationship between urban dynamics and architecture in the national/international context and developing future projections; analyzing and evaluating urban, regional, and global relations of different scales and qualities; discussing the socio-cultural dimension of architecture in the context of natural, historical, and cultural heritage, conducting an in-depth analysis, and transforming it into architectural knowledge; establishing the relationship between the architectural design process and various disciplines and ensuring integration; producing innovative and creative solutions for large-scale, diverse, and complex architectural programs at the level of advanced structural systems and details; skillfully utilizing the achievements gained in previous periods and developing personal approaches.

Course Coordinator
Meryem Birgül Çolakoğlu
Course Language
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