MIM 435E - Modern Concepts of Architectural Conservation
Course Objectives
1. To give information about the diversity of cultural heritage
2. To give information about basic principles of cultural heritage preservation
3. To present contemporary concepts related to cultural heritage
4. To present actual debates on architectural preservation
5. To provide the students with the necessary background for critical review of
restoration and urban conservation implementations within the frame of
international scientific approaches
Course Description
This elective course, presents a research and discussion platform for undergraduate
students beyond the basic knowledge on issuers such, contemporary preservation
approaches, diversity of cultural heritage, interrelation of tangible and intangible
components.. Within the framework of the course, contemporary preservation
concepts and terminology, authenticity and integrity concepts and other
preservation values are discussed in relation with different cultural heritage
categories and international principles and case studies from Turkey and world.
Course Coordinator
Sakine Yıldız Salman
Course Language