ICM 449E - Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
Course Objectives
1. To develop concepts on interior design.
2. To produce and develop solutions to the given problems of interior space design by considering logical and intuitive queries.
3. To investigate the issues of image and identity in interior architectural environments as design input.
4. To design interior spaces of buildings qualified as historical and cultural heritage through adaptive re-use.
Course Description
Decisions concerning planning and programming which constitute data for interior architectural design; investigation of the relationships between terms such as function, form and technology through interior architectural design in different scales; analysis and evaluation of needs; holistic administration of the elements constituting the experience of interior space; conceptual research on interior architectural design, its formal expression and implementation; adaptive re-use of buildings qualified as historical and cultural heritage in accordance with contemporary needs, and the design of their interior spaces.
Course Coordinator
Seniye Banu Garip
Course Language