ICM 119E - Int.to Interior Archit.&Ethics
Course Objectives
The course majorly aims to maintain the enhancement of students’ critical capacities in attaining basic professional and disciplinal knowledge on: the notions of interiority, space/place relations, the notion of atmosphere, the elements constitution the interior space, impact and value of interior design, us of resources, the disciplinal presence, its inquiries operational capacities and basic level of ethical stance, gradual transformation of space-interior space in time from antiquity into modern times, and explore the contemporary potentials.
Yet the students are also encouraged to oversee and explore the multiple and interconnected capacities of cultural plurality, and egalitarian strategies in crafting the diverse milieus of existence.
Course Description
General definitions of interior architecture; the scope of the interior architecture profession, its fields of study and its relations with other disciplines; identity of interior designer; professional ethics; interior architecture, environment and interior space concepts; characteristics of interior space, spatial effects, spatial relationships, transitions, indoor-outdoor relationship; the relationship between the concepts of function, form and technology in interior space and people; finishings, furniture, fittings in interior applications; interior design process steps and design methodologies
Course Coordinator
Emine Görgül
Course Language