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EUT 204E - Manufacturing Methods

Course Objectives

1. To teach how designs can be produced.
2. To explain the properties of different production methods.
3. To teach the relation between material form and production method.
4. To teach the selection of the material and production method for products.

Course Description

Casting: Sand casting, die-casting, solidification, casting defects, pressure casting, centrifugal
casting, investment casting, design for the parts produced through casting. Welding: Welding
methods, weldablity, oxy-asetilen welding, gas metal arc welding, electrical arc welding,
shielded metal arc welding. Special welding processes. Brazing: Powder metallurgy.
Machining: Machine tools, chip. dimensional and geometrical tolerances, surface roughness.
Tools. Turning milling. Shaping. Planing. Grinding. Drilling. Broaching. Cutting. Fine
machining processes. Forming: Hot working, cold working. Forging. Rolling. Extruding.
Drawing. Sheet metal forming.

Course Coordinator
Miray Boğa
Course Language
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