EUT 138E - Design Theories and Methods
Course Objectives
1. Introduce the basics design methods and theories together with our own culture. 2. Introduce students the design activities that take place during the design process. 3. Introduce how to learn design issues and how to collect information and how to alter this information into usable forms and on a given subject make students to do research themselves. 4. Introduce students basic skills to do design by themselves and to be creative individually and within a group.
Course Description
Foundation of design methods. Characteristics and development of design. Product life cycle. Design Theories and methods. Design process. Design team work. Design strategy. Identifying product characteristics and problems. Product status. Structure of design. Information collection and processing: General information collection. Market research. Preparation of product specification and performance specification. Feasibility studies. Design thinking and problem solving. Finding new ideas and creativity. Creativity techniques.