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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / MIM 222 - Avrupa Mimarlığı Tarihi

MIM 222 - History of European Architecture

Course Objectives

To define the roots of contemporaray architecture
To introduce the vocabulary of the forms of European architecture
To help the student to obtain a historical perspective in his approach to the
architectural tasks

Course Description

The concept of style. Medieval period as a phenomenon and its changing image
Romanesque architecture. The process of structuralization of masonary architecture
towards Gothic. The modern conditions of the genesis of the Renaissance:
Capitalism, Enlightenment and Humanism. The re-emergence of the urban culture.
The shift from the regularity of the Renaissance to the subjectivitiy of Mannerism and
its reasons. The complexity of architecture during the periods of Baroque and
Rococo: Total and multi-layered design. The introduction of light and spatial effects in
architecture. Absolutism, palace and city. The architecture of Ottoman
Westernization period. The first appearance of Modernity: The architecture of
Enlightenment. Historicist pluralism. Orientalism Industrial revolution: New materials
and building types in architecture. The city of the 19th century.

Course Coordinator
Nejat Turgut Saner
Nejat Turgut Saner
Course Language
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