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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / TES 122E - Anlatım Teknikleri II: Görsel İletişim ve Perspektif

TES 122E - Visual Communication II: Visualization and Perspective

Course Objectives

1. Understanding the strong inter-relationship between drawing and construction
2. Adapting drawing and communication skills to decision-making
3. Learning the language of line weight contour, tone and texture, structure and space

Course Description

Free hand perspectives of simple geometrical shapes, Axonometric, isometric and dimetric perspectives, Rules of the one, two and three vanishing point perspectives. Standing point, variations of the vertical and horizontal viewing angles. Showing object perspectives in the objects in its environment. Shading in perspective. Examples and applications to scattered perspective of a product and perspectives of details. Explanation of the perspectives used in design presentation.

Course Coordinator
Sonya Grace Turkman
Course Language
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