MIM 312E - Architectural Design VI
Course Objectives
To develop appropriate design strategies for addressing complex design problems,
2. To research and discuss contemporary architectural theories and link them with design activities,
3. To assess urban and environmental factors as architectural design inputs,
4. To provide the experience of interdisciplinary collaboration in architectural design process,
5. To use of representation tools and advanced design media.
Course Description
Engaging architecture with urban dynamics in national and international contexts and develop visions for future scenarios; analysis and evaluation of various scales of urban, regional and global dynamics in order to translate them into architectural knowledge; discussion of architecture’s socio-cultural aspect in relation to natural, historical and cultural heritage; building dialogues and integrating with other disciplines; developing creative and innovative solutions to large scale, complex and multi-use architectural programs with advanced construction systems and detailing, developing a personal position in the design process based on the accumulation of skills and experiences earned in previous years.
Course Coordinator
Ozan Önder Özener
Course Language